Campus news Latest News
Journey leads astronomer to new galactic structure
For Ron Reynolds, an early peek at what would turn out to be a major new feature of the Milky Way came through a hole in the ceiling.
Clinic helps seniors by teaming law, nursing students
Helping senior citizens overcome both legal and health problems is the aim of an innovative new collaboration that links UW–Madison law and nursing students with elderly patients.
UWPD, Housing offer safety tips, resources
In the wake of several recent personal safety incidents in and around the campus area, the UW Police Department and University Housing are urging students to take steps that will reduce the chances of becoming a victim.
Jurist’s speech highlights Community Justice Week
Federal Judge Ann Claire Williams will discuss lawyers' commitment to public service and equal access to justice in a Feb. 23 speech at the Law School as students and faculty mark Community Justice Week.
Contemporary dance performance set for Feb. 13-14
Dance Program chair Jin-Wen Yu will perform in "Madison-Chicago," a cross-cultural and multimedia contemporary dance concert featuring Jin-Wen Yu Dance and Hedwig Dances Company of Chicago.
HONORED Lyn Abramson, professor of psychology, and her long-term research collaborator Lauren Alloy, Temple University, have been awarded the 2004 Distinguished Scientist…
WAA honors 2004 PEOPLE graduates
Students, alumni and educators will gather Monday, Feb. 16 in Milwaukee to honor the 2004 graduates of UW–Madison's Pre-college Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence (PEOPLE).
Awards offered for government efficiency ideas
Public workers with innovative ideas on how to improve the quality and efficiency of government at all levels in Wisconsin can compete for $500 awards being administered by the UW–Madison Department of Political Science.
Talk keys on animal welfare, groceries and restaurants
How supermarkets and chain restaurants propose to deal with issues of animal welfare will be the subject of a Feb. 11 public lecture on the UW–Madison campus.
Business panels promote success of women entrepreneurs
With the help of the School of Business at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, a program is working to make women entrepreneurs more successful by providing them with customized business advice and mentoring.
DoIT provides students training in software
The Division of Information Technology's Software Training for Students service can be used by faculty to provide in-class, customized software training relevant to a particular course.
Critter cams capture clean up crews at work and may track CWD
Not much goes to waste in the woods, and fallen deer — including those that die of chronic wasting disease — mean fine dining for a variety of animals. Who comes to the dinner table, and can some of these species get CWD by scavenging infected deer carcasses?
Satellite data clear fog from forecasts
Researchers from the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies are investigating the possibility of using water vapor and cloud observations from the GOES-12 weather satellite to improve the prediction of fog above Wisconsin roadways.
Celtic Film Festival reveals Celtic culture in many guises
Ireland and Scotland, of course, but also Britain and even parts of France: The Celts spread their language and culture far afield in Europe. A film festival by the Madison Celtic Cultural Center, sponsored by the Department of History, will display the faces of Celtic culture on Sunday, Feb. 15.
Faculty to flip at SLIS brunch
It is the School of Library and Information Studies' answer to Mardi Gras: the annual Faculty Flipped Pancake Brunch, this year on (Fat) Tuesday, Feb. 24.
Recent sightings
Kites on us As spectators gather on Lake Mendota near the Memorial Union Terrace to watch the annual Kites on…
Faculty, staff can nurture undergrad creativity
At UW–Madison, many undergraduate students do more than keep up with daily homework assignments. Each year, about 3,000 of these collegians conduct original research or participate in service-learning projects. These students can share their work with the campus and public during the sixth annual Undergraduate Symposium scheduled for April 15.
Pollard to chair Partners in Giving campaign Jamie Pollard, deputy athletics director for the Wisconsin Division of Intercollegiate Athletics, has been appointed campus…
Marshall Field’s head to lecture
Linda Ahlers, 1972 alumna and president of the Marshall Field's division of Target Corp. in Minneapolis, will deliver the annual School of Human Ecology Retail Lecture on Thursday, Feb. 26, at 4:30 p.m. in the Fluno Center. This free program is targeted to students interested in retail careers.
Books on global issues to be discussed
Faculty will discuss their new books about the global apparel industry, drug-trafficking in Afghanistan, the landscape of global television and the collapse of the Soviet Union in the International Institute and Borders Books' third book series.