Campus news Latest News
Investigating the cell’s garbage disposal
A cell's ability to clean house may shed light on cancer, Alzheimer's disease--and rotten tomatoes.
Accounting students make finals of tax competition
A team of accounting students from the School of Business has made the national finals of the PricewaterhouseCoopers xTAX competition. Only five teams out of 165 reached the finals. The xTAX (short for extreme tax) competition is designed to foster interest among students in tax issues and provide exposure to a "real-world" tax case.
Rittenberg to lead national effort on quality of financial reporting
Accounting Professor Larry Rittenberg has been named chair of a key national organization working to improve the quality of financial reporting.
Winter commencement: Transcript of address Gaddi Vasquez
Charge to graduates delivered by U.S. Peace Corps Director Gaddi Vasquez
Farrell to complete Medical School deanship in 2005
Philip M. Farrell, who has served as dean of the University of Wisconsin Medical School for more than a decade, today (Dec. 21) announced his intention not to seek reappointment after completing his current five-year term in December 2005.
Government spending conference set for Jan. 19
National and state experts will engage in a wide-ranging discussion of effective ways to control government spending at a conference on Wednesday, Jan. 19, sponsored by the Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs.
UW law student, judicial clerk land prestigious fellowships
Two winners of Skadden Fellowships - presented annually to law students or judicial clerks around the nation who have shown exceptional promise in public interest law - are from the Law School.
New technology provides real-world data for distance athletes
Professional athletes, including cyclists and distance runners, soon will have a powerful new tool to predict energy expenditure and performance during a race, thanks to a collaboration between the University of Wisconsin–Madison and Saris Cycling Group of Madison. The technology also has potential medical applications, including helping to treat obese children and adults and cardiac patients.
UW-Madison joins calendaring and scheduling consortium
The UW has joined five universities, seven major IT vendors, two open-source foundations and a research facility to found the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium (