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Vet tech’s knowledge helps malamutes embark on show careers

February 8, 2005

Helen Schultz, a technician for more than 20 years in the School of Veterinary Medicine, has been showing malamutes since 1977 with her first dog, Avalanche.

Festival celebrates political filmmakers

February 8, 2005

Filmmaker Saul Landau's films will be featured at the Sixth Annual CineFest Film Festival Thursday-Saturday, Feb. 24-26. "The Landau Legacy with Special Guest Haskell Wexler: Films from the Americas and Beyond," is a three-day extravaganza of documentary and politically charged filmmaking, which will take place on campus and in the Madison community.

Student inventors to compete during Innovation Days

February 7, 2005

Undergraduate student inventors will display medical devices, collapsing stools, water filters, a fishing lure, a device to walk on water and more inspired ideas in the Engineering Centers Building during the annual Innovation Days competition scheduled for Thursday-Friday, Feb. 10-11.

Brookings scholar to speak on U.S.-European relations

February 2, 2005

Philip Gordon, director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution, will speak at a pair of Madison events on Wednesday, Feb. 9.

Scientific heart of giant telescope comes together

January 28, 2005

In the spring of 2005, when the new Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) trains its huge eye on the southern sky for the first time, the starlight it gathers will be parsed and analyzed by an instrument more befitting a space-based telescope than a ground-based monster.

Lambs at rest hint at origin of growth spurts, pains

January 27, 2005

It has been evident to parents since time immemorial: Children, during their active growth years, gain stature in spurts, often overnight.

For the Record

January 26, 2005

Announcements Free ESL classes offered The English as a Second Language Program is offering free English communication classes to adult nonstudent members of…


January 26, 2005

Appointed Three UW–Madison staff were appointed to serve on committees for the Central Association of College and University Business Officers, which encourages professional…

Recent sightings

January 26, 2005

A moment in history Silhouetted against a large-screen TV in the Memorial Union’s Rathskeller, a student watches news coverage of…

‘In My View’ reveals art’s influence

January 26, 2005

How does art influence a physicist, a physician, a geographer? Showing that art reaches across disciplines and inspires people of all professions is the goal of a lecture series at the Elvehjem Museum of Art called "In My View."

Book Smart

January 26, 2005

Arrest the Music! Fela and His Rebel Art and Politics; Tejumola Olaniyan

Business degrees from public universities appeal to corporations

January 26, 2005

There’s more evidence that America's largest corporations increasingly look to public business school graduates to fill top leadership roles.

Ask Bucky

January 25, 2005

Do you have questions? Ask Bucky has answers! Ask Bucky is a service provided by the Campus Information and Visitor Center — your one-stop…