Campus news Latest News
Students’ granola-yogurt fruit cup may scoop up national honors
A group of UW–Madison food science students have spent the past year developing what may be the next big thing to hit grocery shelves.
Alumna establishes chair in Russian history
Alice D. Mortenson, an alumna of UW–Madison with a degree in history, has established a chair in her "home department." The Alice D. Mortenson/Petrovich Chair in Russian History also honors Michael B. Petrovich, an esteemed faculty member in the history department.
Author and community activist to receive GLBT Distinguished Alumni Awards
On Sunday, July 17, 2005, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Alumni Council (GLBTAC) will recognize two recipients of the their 2005 Distinguished Alumni Award at the 14th annual GLBT Alumni Council Brunch. Each year, the GLBT Alumni Council honors UW–Madison graduates who have shown an exemplary commitment to the GLBT community and have demonstrated excellence in their life's work as a self-identified GLBT person or ally.
Deadline nears for claims in class-action drug settlement
The deadline for filing claims in a multi-state settlement of a class-action suit in which the University of Wisconsin Law School's Consumer Law Litigation Clinic represented Wisconsin citizens is Friday, July 15.
Global mercury pollution experts to meet here July 14-18
More than three dozen experts from 11 nations will be meeting at the UW–Madison Fluno Center for Executive Education this week to discuss the status of mercury as a global pollutant. Seven experts have agreed to be available for media interviews from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, July 14, in Room 203 of the Fluno Center, 601 University Ave. Their areas of expertise are detailed later in this release.
TIP: UW–Madison scientists advance homeland security efforts
With the London terror attacks triggering renewed discussion about homeland security, reporters may be interested in a year-old federal project at the University of Wisconsin–Madison that is helping the United States prioritize possible terror targets and develop effective risk-reduction and resource-allocation strategies.
TIP: Perspectives on terror attacks
Reporters seeking local perspectives on today's series of terror attacks in London may consider the following experts at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Faculty on this list can offer insight on terrorism and on the political, economic and diplomatic implications of the attacks occurring during the start of the G8 Summit.
UW-Madison scientists receive $20 million award for protein study
Researchers at the Center for Eukaryotic Structural Genomics, based at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, have received a $20 million award to fund Phase II of the Protein Structure Initiative over the next five years.
Embattled Curtis Prairie a test bed for new restoration techniques
To the ordinary eye, the world's oldest restored tall-grass prairie is an idyllic postcard picture. Long, slender grasses sway in the breeze, and playful blackbirds swoop everywhere.