Campus news Latest News
University focuses on energy conservation
Faced with rising energy bills, UW–Madison plans to do what many Wisconsin families will do this winter: conserve energy in an attempt to hold down costs and safeguard the environment.
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Scientists seek clear-sky definition of clouds
Atmospheric scientists - Earth's professional cloud-gazers - have learned a great deal about clouds over the decades, particularly with the advent of satellites during the 1960s and 70s. But despite years of research and the emergence of increasingly sophisticated tools, scientists are still at odds over one of the most basic issues of all: how to define a cloud.
Barrows, CALS associate dean, to retire
Richard L. Barrows, Associate Dean for Academic Student Affairs in the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and professor of agricultural and applied economics, will retire from the university after the end of the academic year.
National experts to examine public campaign funding
Campaign finance experts from around the nation will meet at UW–Madison Jan. 28-29 to gauge how well public election funding programs work and whether clean election programs increase competition, reduce the influence of special interests or change government policy.
Water main leak damages high-tech engineering centers building
An estimated 30,000 gallons of water were released early this morning when a pair of chilled water coils, one in each of two parallel air-handling systems, froze up, flooding the top floor that houses mechanical systems for the Engineering Centers Building.
January: Reluctant businessman helps lead first Wisconsin stem cell business
Craig January, who comfortably wears the hats of both scientist and heart doctor at UW–Madison, has had numerous chances to go into business. But January, who developed a novel method to test drugs for heart toxicity in the late 1990s, resisted them - until recently.
INSITE receives grant for research into entrepreneurship
The Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has awarded a three-year, $125,000 collaborative research grant to the Initiative for Studies in Technology Entrepreneurship (INSITE).
Joe McCarthy and the Press
While a Hollywood film revisits the 1950s anti-communist furor spawned by the late Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy, a Wisconsin journalist's book studying the politician's relationship with the media of his day has also been reintroduced to bookshelves.
Gift to establish project on Judaism and the arts
The Mosse-Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies at UW–Madison will be expanding its mandate under a major grant from Marvin and Mildred Conney.
Holiday lectures highlight evolution
Noted UW–Madison molecular biologist Sean B. Carroll will deliver two popular lectures on evolution as part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's (HHMI) annual Holiday Lectures on Science.