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Unique models help teach nanoscience to the blind

March 27, 2007

At the root of scientific study are observations made with the eyes; yet in nanoscience, our eyes fail us. The smallest object we can see still looms thousands of times larger than a typical nano-sized structure. Even the most powerful microscopes can't peer into the nanoscale directly.

Journalism professor traces birth, growing pains of network TV

March 27, 2007

What television viewers saw in the 1950s seemed benign enough: Lucy Ricardo planning hijinks with pal Ethel Mertz, a freckled Howdy Doody and the vaudeville antics of Uncle Miltie. What they didn’t see — and what journalism professor James Baughman chronicles in his new book, “Same Time, Same Station” — is the tug of war that network executives waged in the early days of television for the soul of mass culture.

Employee Matters

March 27, 2007

This column is prepared by staff from the Office of Human Resources. E-mail questions to or call 262-5650. For more information, visit

In quest for less risky drugs, scientists listen to neurons

March 27, 2007

Since the 1950s, doctors have been ordering medications such as Ritalin to ease symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and prescriptions now number in the millions. Still, though highly effective, so-called “psychostimulant” drugs are not without risks, leaving many seeking safer alternatives, especially for children.

Faculty, staff urged to vote absentee if necessary

March 27, 2007

Faculty and staff can cast absentee ballots in the Tuesday, April 3, general election. Elections will select a state Supreme Court justice,…

Strategic plan lives on during self-study timeline

March 27, 2007

As the campus begins to undertake a multifaceted reaccreditation process culminating in 2009, strategic priorities will continue to guide decision-making, administrators say.

Preparing for better weather forecasts

March 27, 2007

UW–Madison scientist Allen Huang is at the forefront of preparations for new satellite instruments and the predicted data deluge.

Brothers showcase Indian classical music

March 27, 2007

From child prodigies to consummate adult musicians, Shri Ganesh and Shri Kumaresh promise an evening of absolute musical excitement when they visit campus to perform on Sunday, April 1.

Ultrathin films deliver DNA as possible gene therapy tool

March 26, 2007

Gene therapy - the idea of using genetic instructions rather than drugs to treat disease - has tickled scientists' imaginations for decades, but is not yet a viable therapeutic method. One sizeable hurdle is getting the right genes into the right place at the right time.

Cutting-edge political Web site editor, CNBC business newsman to visit campus

March 26, 2007

Jim VandeHei, executive editor of the popular new Washington, D.C. Web site, and Charles Gasparino, on-air editor and business reporter for CNBC, will visit the UW–Madison campus in April as writers in residence.

Showcase planned for March 27

March 21, 2007

Unlocking creativity and sharing innovative ideas on ways to make the campus work more effectively are at the center of Showcase 2007 on Tuesday, March 27, at the Memorial Union.