Campus news Latest News
Chancellor Martin visits with footballl team prior to season opener
The Wisconsin football team welcomed a surprise visitor to its Friday walk-through as the Badgers made final preparations for their Aug. 30 season-opener with Akron.
Collaboration key to WIMR researchers
The east tower of the new Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research is about to celebrate its grand opening, and already the building is working to foster collaboration among scientists working on similar problems — including the scourge of cancer — from different angles.
Science News writer will be in residence in September
Nathan Seppa, Science News biomedical writer, will be the biomedical and public health writer in residence on campus from Monday–Friday, Sept. 8–12, will give a public talk, “Evolutionary Medicine: What Happens When We Are Hard-Wired for the Stone Age but Live in the Modern World,” at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 11, at Memorial Union (check Today in the Union for room).
University reminds campus staff of policy on political candidate activities
The upcoming general election will undoubtedly generate a flurry of political activity on the campus, particularly as the Nov. 4 vote gets closer
Employee Matters
This column is prepared by staff from the Office of Human Resources. E-mail questions to or call 262-5650. For more information, visit
Geology and geophysics professor Jean Bahr has been elected vice president of the Geological Society of America for a one-year term from July 2008-June 2009.
For the record
UW-Madison Facilities Use Policy: Use of university facilities for political purposes Under specific conditions, student organizations, political parties or candidates for public office may reserve…
Recent sighting: Picturing Friends
House fellow Jerrod Walker photographs Lisa Bacon (left) and Colleen Larsen, also house fellows, as nearly 175 residential life student staff within…