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Budget update: Message to all UW System faculty and staff from President Kevin P. Reilly
Dear UW System Colleagues, Late Thursday night, and into the wee hours of Friday morning, the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) completed its work…
UW-Madison expertise on General Motors bankruptcy
June 1, 2009
Curiosities: Why do the blue eyes of babies often turn brown?
Melanin is the pigment that makes body parts dark, said Burton Kushner, professor of ophthalmology at the School of Medicine and Public…
Street sense: Formerly homeless, UW med school grad has traveled long road
Recent UW medical school graduate Jennifer Jenkins hopes to devote her medical career to 'outsiders,' such as homeless men and women, as she was once homeless herself.
State Relations Update (May 29)
After a marathon, late night/early morning session, the Joint Committee on Finance has completed their action on the state’s biennial budget.
Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery celebrate ‘topping out’
On May 26, the construction team of the new Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery held a “topping out” ceremony, traditional in the building industry for recognizing the construction milestone of placing and welding the last beam at the top of a building.
State Relations Update (May 27)
Barring any late surprises, the final piece of the 2009–11 biennial budget action by the Joint Committee on Finance will take place tomorrow.
UW-Madison expertise on North Korea, Supreme Court
May 26, 2009