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Writer’s Choice: Madison welcomes Badura-Skoda again and again

March 2, 2011

When pianist Paul Badura-Skoda plays recitals in Madison, they represent more than just world-class performance. As an artist-in-residence during the 1960s, his presence played a…

Martin makes case for flexibility before UW Regents

March 2, 2011

We must become more self-reliant, and we must do more to help ourselves so we can continue to help the public.

HRS service center will answer human-resource questions

March 2, 2011

When the Human Resource System (HRS) goes live, a newly reconfigured UW Service Center will provide all employees with a single point of initial contact…

Wisconsin Film Festival tickets on sale March 5

March 2, 2011

The Wisconsin Film Festival schedule of films will be printed in the Thursday, March 3, issue of Isthmus, and tickets will go on sale at…

UW–Madison compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

March 2, 2011

Standards of Conduct: In a good faith effort to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the UW System and UW–Madison prohibit…

Science internationalization course development awards available

March 2, 2011

Course development awards of up to $10,000 in flexible funds are now available to support UW–Madison faculty and instructional academic staff members in the sciences…