Campus news Latest News
Pyle Center to welcome pediatrics patients for rooftop for fireworks show
The Pyle Center, part of the UW-Extension Conference Centers, hosts educational classes and events. Most of them take place during the work week – meaning…
Finalists chosen for facilities planning and management post
Three finalists have been selected in the search for a new associate vice chancellor for facilities planning and management at UW–Madison. The finalists are: Mina…
Mission deliscious: A look at Babcock Hall ice cream
What makes Babcock ice cream so good to eat—and so good for science, students and industry?
Work teams praised for providing framework of new human resources system
Bob Lavigna, UW–Madison's director of human resources and project lead, said he knew from when the HR Design project first began to take shape about a year ago that the university had an extraordinary opportunity to reshape its human resources system.