Campus news Latest News
Violinist Tyrone Greive to retire from School of Music
After 36 years as professor of violin at UW–Madison, Tyrone Greive is retiring this spring. But the indefatigable musician, well-known to Madison audiences as the former concertmaster of the Madison Symphony Orchestra, will still teach, perform and indulge his lifelong passion for Polish string literature.
UW-Madison zoologist elected to prestigious academy
Anthony Ives, Plaenert-Bascom Professor of Zoology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, has been elected to membership in the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Section of North Park Street to reopen temporarily
Paving for the construction project at North Park Street and Langdon Street is scheduled to be completed today and North Park Street should reopen to two-way traffic Friday, April 26, barring weather or other issues.
Vaterite: Crystal within a crystal helps resolve an old puzzle
With the help of a solitary sea squirt, scientists have resolved the longstanding puzzle of the crystal structure of vaterite, an enigmatic geologic mineral and biomineral.
UW physicist works with young Rube Goldbergs at Madison elementary school
The rules are simple, explains Mike Randall, a University of Wisconsin–Madison physicist, who is leading the Rube Goldberg lab tonight at Emerson School in Madison. "Make a contraption that starts by dropping a marble and ends by ringing a bell."
Recent sightings: Bright night
UW-Madison graduate student Matthew Piepenbrok, center, maintains candle flames on his candelabra-shaped and neon-lit glass star on display during the 2013 Biennial Neon and Light Exhibit held inside the Stock Pavillion at the University of Wisconsin–Madison on April 19, 2013.
Schroeder named Graduate School associate dean
Petra Schroeder, who has served since 2000 as assistant dean for research services in the Graduate School, has been named associate dean for administration.