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MOOCs workshop with European flavor next week
The European MOOCs in Global Context Workshop, a free event, will be held June 19-20 at the Wisconsin Idea Room inside the School of Education Building.
Getting Back in the Fields
A farmer survives two life-threatening accidents and returns to the thing he loves best – farming. He does this through will, determination, help from people…
Breaking New Ground
Food that was being left in the field to rot, finds a way into food pantries in a coordinated effort between farmers, the canning company…
Large, culturally significant textile collection unpacked
Yes, all kinds of works of art are being unpacked as part of the more than 13,000-piece Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection. The collection had been housed off campus for four years while work was being completed on the new Nancy Nicholas Hall in the School of Human Ecology Building.
Julie Van Cleave named chief investment officer at UW Foundation
Julie Van Cleave, the former lead manager of the $5 billion, Bronze-rated Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Fund, will join the University of Wisconsin Foundation investment team.
Innovative solar cell structure stores and supplies energy simultaneously
The potential energy available via solar power might seem limitless on a sunny summer day, but all that energy has to be stored for it to be truly useful. If you see a solar panel on a rooftop, in a large-scale array, or even on a parking meter, a bulky battery or supercapacitor is hidden just out of sight, receiving energy from the panel through power lines.
Hilmes receives Fulbright award for broadcast research in U.K.
Michele Hilmes, professor and chair of the Department of Communication Arts, has received a Fulbright Award to enable her to conduct research into "transnational" British and American broadcasting at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom for six months in 2013-14.