Campus news Latest News
Seminar explores role of proteins in health and disease
The Human Proteomics Program at UW–Madison and the BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute on Aug. 1 will present the Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium: Targeted Proteomics and Systems Biology in Health and Disease.
Law professor Tai wins Supreme Court fellowship
Stephanie Tai, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School, has been selected as the 2013-14 Supreme Court Fellow assigned to the Federal Judicial Center. Tai will spend her fellowship year in the center’s Research Division beginning in the fall.
Protecting our Pollinators
Bees, so crucial to our food supply, are dying off at alarming rates. CALS researchers are taking a close look at everything from the microbes in their hives to the landscapes they live in to identify in what conditions bees thrive.