Campus news Latest News
Tuberculosis genomes portray secrets of pathogen’s success
By any measure, tuberculosis (TB) is a wildly successful pathogen. It infects as many as two billion people in every corner of the world, with a new infection of a human host estimated to occur every second.
Q&A: Adjusting sleep to school start
Getting ready for school includes shopping for new clothes, pencils and notebooks, but there’s another critical step parents can take to get their kids ready: focus on sleep.
Employee bus passes available for purchase online
Employee bus passes for the 2013-14 academic year are now available online.
Recent sightings: Field & Screen
Fans spread out on the football field and south end zone of Camp Randall Stadium and enjoy a free screening of "Remember The Titans" during the first-ever Movie Night at Camp Randall
Swimming through complex bodily fluids gets simpler
It's an uncomfortable truth of life that our bodily fluids are chock full of microscopic swimming organisms - maybe even more uncomfortable to researchers that those little swimmers do laps faster than the theories describing their motion would allow.