Campus news Latest News
State redesigns website
I’m pleased to announce the launch of a redesigned website to better serve the citizens of Wisconsin.
Mailick to join Graduate School
Marsha Mailick, a longtime University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty member and veteran of research leadership roles at the university, has been selected by Chancellor Rebecca Blank as interim successor to Martin Cadwallader, who is returning to the faculty.
Plan ahead for Saturday’s Crazylegs Classic
The UW–Madison Police Department has been working with event organizers to ensure a successful, safe event — and we have full confidence there will be no problems. However, we’d like to remind participants and spectators that carry-in restrictions are in place at Camp Randall Stadium, where the run finishes.
It’s not all wedded bliss: Marital stress linked to depression
Marital stress may make people more vulnerable to depression, according to a recent study by University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers and their colleagues.