Campus news Latest News
Stem Cell Symposium to focus on tissue engineering, limb regeneration
Limb regeneration, stem cells, limb development, tissue engineering: These will be the focus of the 10th Annual Wisconsin Stem Cell Symposium on Wednesday, April 22, hosted by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center and the BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute (BTCI).
Carl Gulbrandsen to retire from WARF in 2016
Carl Gulbrandsen, who joined the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) in 1997 and became managing director in 2000, will retire in 2016.
Goldwater Scholarship awarded to three UW–Madison students
Three University of Wisconsin–Madison students will receive the prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship for undergraduate excellence in the sciences.
UW-Madison students honored with Truman Scholarships, Udall nomination
The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation has selected two University of Wisconsin–Madison students to receive the Truman Scholarship, an award given annually to undergraduates planning for careers in public service leadership.
Three UW–Madison faculty members land Guggenheim Fellowships
Three University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty members have received 2015 Guggenheim Fellowships, awards that support remarkable mid-career scholars and artists.
Simple sample: Federal grant advances pain-free blood tests from UW startup
A company with deep roots at UW–Madison wants to make blood sampling less painful and more convenient. Tasso Inc. is perfecting a device the size of a pingpong ball that extracts a small sample while held against the skin for two minutes.
Recent sightings: Who, indeed
Nestled in the crook of a tree branch, a pair of owlets flank an adult great horned owl as the three bask in…
Recent sighting: Snap, crackle, oomph!
Siblings Nate, 11, Ben, 6, and Caroline Hughes, 9, lend their hands-on help during Project Freshman 15,000, a student-led effort to make the…
Teaching excellence at UW–Madison recognized with Distinguished Teaching Awards
Twelve faculty members have been chosen to receive this year’s Distinguished Teaching Awards, an honor given out since 1953 to recognize the university’s finest educators.
Patent office director visits for discussion about innovation and opportunity
UW-Madison, a world leader in producing patents, will welcome Michelle K. Lee, director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, on Wednesday for a tour of the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery and discussion of the future of intellectual property and innovation.
High-power laser spinoff proves versatility is strength
Since lasers were invented in 1960, they have penetrated countless scientific, industrial and recreational fields: from eye surgery to DVD players, from cutting steel to triggering ignition in missile stages.