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Recent sightings: Kawaoka at the Capitol

April 21, 2015

University of Wisconsin–Madison virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka speaks to legislators, legislative staff and others about his lab’s work to develop a whole virus vaccine…

Annual study shows Wisconsin poverty rose in fragile economic recovery

April 21, 2015

Researchers studying the economic and policy forces that affect Wisconsin poverty have released their latest results, which show that although the state economy is creating jobs, the poverty rate rose from 10.2 to 10.9 percent in 2013 using the researchers' expanded measure.

WARF grants to showcase innovation

April 21, 2015

As part of its 90th anniversary celebration, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) is funding up to five projects that best fete UW–Madison’s legacy of innovation.

Deep national history of immigration predicts wide cultural comfort displaying emotion

April 20, 2015

People who live in countries built on centuries of migration from a wide range of other countries are more emotionally expressive than people in more insular cultures, according to research led by University of Wisconsin–Madison psychology Professor Paula Niedenthal.

Faster, smaller, cheaper: Technique could speed biologic drugs

April 20, 2015

Antibodies are specific molecules that can lock onto a particular cellular structure to start, stop or otherwise temper a biological process. Because they are so specific, antibodies are at the forefront of drug discovery. So drug companies want a faster route to step one: identifying which of the millions of possible antibodies will work against molecules that cause disease.

Eight UW–Madison student services professionals win SPA awards

April 17, 2015

Alberta Gloria is a passionate professor of counseling psychology and chair of the Chican@/Latin@ Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She walks alongside her students each step of the way, creating an academic "family" that roots them in a cultural and academic context while pressing them to look at the bigger picture.

Reminders for dog owners visiting Lakeshore Nature Preserve

April 16, 2015

Dogs are welcome in the Lakeshore Nature Preserve — one of the few natural areas in Madison where they are — but please always remember: Dogs must be on leash and under the control of their owners at all times, and owners must pick up after their dogs.