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Recent sightings: Bucky’s Day Off
UW students Chelsea Sheedy (left), Bethany Rahja (center) and Mariel Lopes (right) compete in a race on the moon-walker bungee run during the…
Analysis compares California exchange, commercial health insurance hospital networks
The suspicion that the federal Affordable Care Act reduces options for patients to choose their health care providers proves to be true, according to a new study co-authored by David Weimer, a professor with the La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. However, the quality of hospitals in insurance exchange networks was as good or better than those in commercial insurance networks.
World premiere expresses UW–Madison professor’s feelings about species extinction
In 2012, when UW–Madison music Professor Laura Schwendinger started working on her second string quartet — one that is her response to species extinctions — the Javan Rhino was considered endangered. Now it is the most threatened of the five rhino species, with just 35 remaining in Java, Indonesia. That, says Schwendinger, highlights “just how pressing the issues I wish to present with my quartet are.”
Artist and journalist expound at humanities event
Artist Alfredo Jaar has produced more than 60 monumental public interventions that confront political violence, poverty, exploitation and imbalances of power. Photos:…
UW honors noted entrepreneurs with achievement awards
The University of Wisconsin–Madison Entrepreneurial Achievement Awards this year honor a graduate of the Department of Computer Sciences who co-founded the company that’s now WebMD, and a Department of Animal Sciences professor who has turned his patented technologies into startup companies.
Controlled prairie burns to take place in Lakeshore Nature Preserve
Controlled burns will take place Saturday in the Lakeshore Nature Preserve on the western part of the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus.
Volunteers needed during residence halls move-out
As more than 7,400 students prepare to move out of the university residence halls, the UW–Madison Division of University Housing is asking for volunteers to help residents and their families repurpose or recycle items they no longer need.