Campus news Latest News
Three deans up for 5-year reviews
Every five years of their tenure, deans of the university’s schools and colleges undergo a university review to assess their academic and administrative leadership and performance in such areas as external relations and resource management. This fall, reviews are underway for Wisconsin School of Business Dean François Ortalo-Magné, Division of Continuing Studies Dean Jeffrey Russell, and Law School Dean Margaret Raymond.
Baldwin, Pocan to promote legislation boosting early career researchers
Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Rep. Mark Pocan will be on the UW–Madison campus later this week to discuss legislation designed to enhance opportunities and support for researchers in the early stages of their careers.
Boundless Together, Part 2
A new commercial for UW–Madison will premiere this weekend during the Badger football game. Learn more about the people and projects highlighted in the spot.
Compound doubles up on cancer detection
Tagging a pair of markers found almost exclusively on a common brain cancer yields a cancer signal that is both more obvious and more specific to cancer, according to a study published last week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Faculty Senate reviews draft tenure proposal
The Faculty Senate on Monday held the first reading on a draft proposal for tenure protections, crafted to respond to recent legislative changes.
WARF draws top inventors, entrepreneurs for fall discussion series
To cap its 90th anniversary celebration, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) is hosting a four-part discussion series exploring the cycle of innovation.