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Karcher named director of risk management

September 12, 2016

Jeff Karcher, director of risk management at UW- Stevens Point, has been selected as the new director of the risk management at UW–Madison.

GE visits campus to honor student contest winner, talk innovation

September 9, 2016

It’s hard to take Chris Nguyen seriously when he says, “I’m just a regular guy.” After all, he drew leaders from international industrial giant GE to the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus Monday bearing awards and scholarship money.

Several road closures start week of Sept. 12

September 9, 2016

There will be three new road closures on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus starting the week of September 12. They are: University Bay Drive…

UW-Madison Army ROTC marks 100th anniversary by honoring distinguished alumni

September 9, 2016

The Badger Battalion, UW–Madison’s Army ROTC unit, will honor four distinguished graduates with induction into the unit’s Alumni Hall of Fame. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps.

UW-Madison grad leads student-athletes at UW-Whitewater

September 9, 2016

Kristina Navarro, who has her Ph.D. from the UW–Madison School of Education, uses her knowledge and connections to turn UW-Whitewater student-athletes into leaders on and off the playing field, through an innovative program.

With GE’s help, UW–Madison competitition winner will un-ring a bell

September 9, 2016

What: UW–Madison student Chris Nguyen of Waukesha is honored for winning GE’s international competition, “Unimpossible Missions: The University Edition” When: 8:30-10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 12…

Slideshow: The school year is under way

September 8, 2016

  Undergraduates participate in the Way Up Multicultural Organization Festival held in the Red Gym on Sept. 6. Here, students learn about the…

Voracious Asian jumping worms strip forest floor and flood soil with nutrients

September 8, 2016

Asian jumping worms, an invasive species first found in Wisconsin in 2013, may do their work too well, speeding up the exit of nutrients from the soil before plants can process them.

Nicholas leaves lasting legacy with match campaign

September 8, 2016

As part of a $50 million gift to the university, the Ab Nicholas family earmarked $20 million for UW Athletics with the idea that other individuals would match it for a total of $40 million. That project has reached the finish line.

New faculty focus: Claudia Persico

September 8, 2016

"Previously, I worked as a neuroscientist investigating the neurobiology of autism," Persico says. "I decided to switch to social policy because I was amazed by the profound inequality I had witnessed."

A student’s guide to free stuff

September 7, 2016

Just how far can one progress into the semester without having to pay for a meal?

Vaccine trial aims to make flu season safer for heart patients

September 7, 2016

A network of researchers in the United States and Canada will try to spare thousands of patients the dangers of heart attacks and hospitalizations over the next five years in a trial of a high-dose flu vaccine.

UW launches nation’s first rural residency program in Ob-Gyn

September 7, 2016

Faced with a nationwide shortage of obstetricians and gynecologists, especially in rural areas, the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health has started the nation’s first rural-residency program to train and provide care to women in rural Wisconsin.

Top spots on campus? SAFEwalk will take you there

September 6, 2016

SAFEwalk staff members escort a UW–Madison student. SAFEwalk is a free campus service that provides trained, two-person walking escorts throughout the main campus.

New computer chip manufacturing method squeezes more onto limited wafer space

September 6, 2016

Computer chip makers continuously strive to pack more transistors in less space, yet as the size of those transistors approaches the atomic scale, there are physical limits on how small they are able to make the patterns for the circuitry.

Research, rankings and recognition highlight UW–Madison’s summer break

September 6, 2016

No question, the pace of life on campus is different over the summer. But that doesn’t mean business grinds to a halt. UW–Madison has been…

Dean’s office, student conduct office split in reorganization

September 6, 2016

The Dean of Students Office has split into two separate departments: the Dean of Students Office and the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards.