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Science journalist Nadia Drake is UW–Madison writer in residence

September 29, 2016

Drake’s work spans the sciences. She has written about subjects as diverse as giant spiders and human ancestry, although much of her work focuses on astronomy and space science.

UW2020 funds projects to enhance research and infrastructure

September 29, 2016

The initiative seeks to fund research projects that have the potential to fundamentally transform a field of study, as well as projects that require significant development prior to the submission of applications for external funding.

New faculty focus: Rourke O’Brien

September 29, 2016

Rourke O’Brien, assistant professor of public affairs, La Follette School of Public Affairs • Hometown: Leonardtown, Maryland • Educational background: BA, Harvard…

Joan Sweeney ‘cared deeply about helping students’

September 28, 2016

Joan Sweeney worked in the Work-Study office for more than 40 years, touching generations of students with her advocacy, advice and good humor.

Monks’ art offers a break from hectic campus pace

September 28, 2016

To broaden cultural awareness on campus, the Wisconsin Union Directorate invited monks from Drepung Loseling Monastery to their annual World Music Festival to share their art.

Some brains are blind to moving objects

September 28, 2016

As many as half of people are blind to motion in some part of their field of vision, but the deficit doesn’t have anything to do with the eyes.

WARF patent drawing exhibit shows artistic side of science

September 27, 2016

For decades, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation has helped UW–Madison inventors transform their ideas into reality, whether it’s a solar cooker, a self-tying shoelace device or even the DNA of the bubonic plague. Now WARF is displaying the visual beauty — and wide variety — of all those ideas.

Life in ancient oceans enabled by erosion from land

September 26, 2016

As scientists continue finding evidence for life in the ocean more than 3 billion years ago, those ancient fossils pose a paradox that raises questions about whether there was more land mass than previously thought.

Yeast knockouts peel back secrets of cell protein function

September 26, 2016

The study provided a level of detail not available even five years ago. Improved technology cut the time to analyze all the proteins in a yeast sample from four hours to one hour.

Debate experts from UW–Madison

September 23, 2016

The following University of Wisconsin–Madison experts are available to speak with reporters covering the upcoming presidential debates. The first of three debates is scheduled for 8 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 26, at Hofstra University in Long Island, N.Y.

Bacteriology professor Jade Wang named HHMI Faculty Scholar

September 22, 2016

Jue “Jade” Wang, an associate professor of bacteriology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, has been named a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Faculty Scholar.

A marriage made in sunlight: Invention merges solar with liquid battery

September 22, 2016

Solar charging and electrical discharging, according to a UW researcher, can be repeated for many cycles with little efficiency loss.

MacArthur ‘Genius Grant’ winner is UW–Madison alumna

September 22, 2016

Anne Basting, who received a master’s degree in theatre and drama at UW–Madison, is now a theatre professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Artist mixes traditional and contemporary; decorative and political

September 21, 2016

Interdisciplinary artist-in-residence Meeta Mastani teaches students about natural dyes and printing, but she also encourages them to use their art to express their emotions and beliefs.

Students share impassioned messages at ‘Dear World’ event

September 21, 2016

Numerous UW–Madison students shared the messages that are important to them through a unique means at "Dear World" event on Sept. 20 at Gordon Dining and Event Center. They painted the messages on their bodies, and then portraits were taken of them displaying them.

UW-Madison rises in World University Rankings

September 21, 2016

The University of Wisconsin–Madison has risen from 50th last year to 45th this year in Times Higher Education World University Rankings. In the United States, UW–Madison ranked 23rd this year and 26th last year out of 148 institutions.

Engine software from UW spinoff being used around the world

September 20, 2016

A good portion of the world’s major engine manufacturers are using engine simulation software developed by Convergent Science of Madison, which has deep roots in the UW–Madison department of mechanical engineering.