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Traffic tips for commencement weekend
This coming weekend will be especially busy at UW–Madison with commencement, the Big 10 Softball Tournament, and residence hall move-out.
Liquid crystals self-regulate the release of drugs in precise, repeating doses with simple nudge from their environment
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have developed liquid crystal films and droplets that can hold a wide range of “micro-cargo” until their release is cued by body heat or a beam of light or even the wake of swimming microorganisms.
Two students win Udall scholarships
Two UW–Madison students have been named 2018 Udall Scholars in recognition of a record of public service, academic achievement, leadership potential and a commitment to…
Students on the Street video: What are your summer plans?
What do UW–Madison students plan to do over the summer? International travel, boating, swimming — or just sitting in this same spot all summer, relaxing.
Grand Challenge Transform grants supporting interdisciplinary projects designed to back youth and families in Wisconsin
The Grand Challenges initiative developed in UW–Madison’s School of Education is awarding grants to four projects that display the potential to transform lives by supporting young people and families in Wisconsin.
Metastasis enablers: Findings could unlock new ovarian cancer treatments
New research from the lab of Pamela Kreeger, a University of Wisconsin–Madison biomedical engineering professor, has identified one way ovarian cancer cells appear to successfully spread.
D2P project becomes career for graduating UW–Madison undergraduate
A UW–Madison student with diabetes invented an injection aid called “Steady Shot,” because it holds the needle steady during injection. D2P is helping him commercialize it.
New imager identifies tissue types during surgery
UW-Madison spinoff company OnLume is continuing to develop its system for identifying tissue types during surgery. The company’s technology causes chemical labels to glow in the operating room.
Two researchers honored for biomedical work
The Hartwell Foundation Individual Biomedical Research Awards recognize exceptional scientists who are pursuing biomedical research to advance children’s health.
“Graduation Bucky” kicks off a parade of statues
Fifteen versions of Bucky Badger can be spotted on campus, from the top of Bascom Hill to the tip of Picnic Point, sporting names like “Blooming Bucky,” “Bucky Alvarez,” and “Leckrone's Stop at the Top.”
New conference provides professional development for research staff
A new professional development conference for UW–Madison employees will focus on the unique needs of research staff who are working as laboratory technicians or…
For scientist studying turbulence, the sky is the limit
Michael Graham, a professor of chemical and biological engineering, is a leader in the field, and a recently awarded Department of Defense Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship is enabling his potentially transformative research on turbulence.
After #BlackandHooded goes viral, UW–Madison alums unexpectedly find themselves leading a movement
Two UW–Madison graduates created a #BlackandHooded website, which displays photos and connects prospective and current black graduate students with black professionals who’ve earned advanced degrees. The idea has taken off.
For this graduate, memes became the start of something big
The Facebook group UW Memes for Milk-Chugging Teens has become a rapid-fire broadcaster of all manner of campus humor and its founder, Shane Linden, has become Internet famous.
Meet the Class of 2018: Making their mark on campus and beyond
Through research, advocacy, community service and humor, these eight members of the Class of 2018 illustrate the impact Badgers can have on the world around them.
Sanction shortened after fraternity appeals CSO case
Theta Chi had been suspended from all university activities until Oct. 21. Instead, the suspension will end Oct. 1, according to a decision released May 4.
18 UW–Madison students win Fulbright awards to study abroad
They're among more than 1,900 U.S. citizens who will study, conduct research, and teach abroad for the 2018–2019 academic year through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program.
Jennifer Blazek named director of Farm and Industry Short Course
Blazek comes to CALS from UW-Extension Cooperative Extension, where she has worked as an agricultural educator since 2011, first in Polk County and then in Dane County. She provided expertise and support to dairy and livestock farmers.
Students help capture campus protest voices from 50 years ago through public history project
UW–Madison students who helped collect and process audio interviews about the 1967 Dow protests on campus say they learned some valuable lessons from the accounts.
Prototype camera set for integration into novel gamma-ray telescope
A unique high-speed camera, designed to capture the fleeting effects of gamma rays crashing into the Earth’s atmosphere, will soon be on its way from the University of Wisconsin–Madison to Arizona’s Mount Hopkins.