Campus news Latest News
New Learning Analytics master’s program empowers people to use ‘big data’ to improve education outcomes
Graduates of the program will be equipped to help improve individual student learning, raise graduation rates and address equity gaps for students underrepresented based on race, poverty and gender.
UW biochemist Scott Coyle awarded 2020 Packard Fellowship
Coyle's research could have far-reaching applications, from expanding the scope of cell-based therapies to fight disease to developing micro-technologies for bioremediation of damaged environmental sites.
Pediatric cancers share stalled gene-managing enzyme
A wildly out-of-place protein leads to haywire cells in a particularly troublesome type of rare early childhood cancer, according to University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers.
COVID questions: Mask filters, workplace air quality, flu shot
Are masks more effective with filters? How can we best maintain my workplace's indoor air quality? If I recently had COVID can I still get a flu shot?
UW–Madison graduation, retention rates reach new highs
Nearly 90 percent of UW–Madison undergraduates are completing their degrees within six years, setting a record for the institution and substantially exceeding other major public research universities.
New campus effort will support inequality research
“As the nation continues to contend with racial and other inequalities, we need research to deepen and extend our understanding,” says Steve Ackerman, vice chancellor for research and graduate education.
October survey seeks employee input in spring plans
The survey asks how the university can support faculty and staff, whether they are already working on-site or will be at some future time. The survey also requests input on improvements in the campus response to COVID-19.
Badgers get ready to vote
Staff from the Madison City Clerk’s office helped students register to vote in a series of events on campus in the past few weeks. All…
Studies pin some forms of discrimination on small proportion of campus community
The research could guide an effective campaign against the mistreatment and lack of inclusion college students from marginalized social groups often experience relative to their peers.
Remodeling project improves student spaces at Red Gym
“This project is part of our ongoing commitment to invest in spaces where students can feel at home and where they can find and build community,” says Gabe Javier, associate vice chancellor for student affairs in the area of inclusion and identity.
Student wins scholarship for her dedication to community service
Dalila Ricci is a Leaders of Engineering Excellence and Diversity (LEED) scholar, is involved in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, a tutor for first-year LEED scholars, events director for the Senior Class, and is a member of the Global Connections Committee through the Wisconsin Union Directorate.
University Housing: Thanksgiving and end of semester planning
We will be asking you in early November to state your plans for Thanksgiving and the end of the semester through our My UW Housing portal. If you leave Madison for Thanksgiving and choose to return to finish the semester, you will return to your weekly testing schedule. If you are returning from out of town, you may be asked to take a test before your usual scheduled time. Please self-isolate post-Thanksgiving until you have a confirmed negative test.
Reesor: Planning for Thanksgiving and beyond
The following message was sent to UW–Madison undergraduate students by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Lori Reesor. Separate guidance will be shared with graduate students.
Carnivores living near people feast on human food, threatening ecosystems
While evolution has shaped these species to compete for different resources, their newfound reliance on a common food source could put them in conflict with one another.
Campus responds to anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi graffiti
UW–Madison opposes bias and hate and remains dedicated to fostering a campus community where everyone feels welcome and supported. Anyone with information is asked to call UWPD at (608) 264-COPS.
As Partners in Giving, we are stronger together
In 2020, the Partners in Giving campaign theme is “Stronger, Together.” As individuals, we can make a difference for others. And when we give back together, our contributions make an even greater impact.
UW–Madison calls for withdrawal of proposed rule targeting international students, scholars
“We are in a global competition for talent," says Chancellor Rebecca Blank. "This rule would make U.S. and universities like UW–Madison a less attractive destination for the best and the brightest, who we need to maintain technological leadership and develop scientific innovations."
Chancellor assesses State of the University
Chancellor Rebecca Blank reported to the Faculty Senate on the State of the University in 2020. She covered the COVID-19 crisis, budget issues, racial equity, and more. “I challenge all of you to think about what we will do differently and better as a result of this period of time,” she said.
COVID questions: Home office deductions; flu shot; repurposed drugs
Can I deduct home office expenses? Are there known drugs that can be repurposed for COVID-19? Where's the safest place to get a flu shot?