Campus news Latest News
Supply ordering goes online
UW-Madison researchers will be able to order laboratory supplies online with long-time vendor Fisher Scientific as the campus takes its next step in a major overhaul of buying practices.
Cash used as a recruiting tool
Signing bonuses, once the sole province of pro athletes and corporate big shots, are suddenly finding their way into the back pockets of wet-behind-the-ears undergraduates -- at least those with computer talents.
Waisman Center addition breaks ground
The Waisman Center's much-anticipated $24 million addition anremodeling, getting underway with a Sept. 18 groundbreaking, will allow a major expansion of the center's programs.
Exhibits celebrate art of South Asia
UW-Madison will celebrate the art of South Asia beginning later this month with a display of artifacts from an ancient civilization first brought to light in the 20th century and a collection of historic and contemporary ...
Babies fish for words in a sea of chatter
From a string of nonsense words, uttered in a synthesized monotone to curious 8-month-olds, psychologist Jenny Saffran is uncovering astonishing evidence of how infants assimilate their native language.
Berkeley chemist awarded Hirschfelder prize
David Chandler, a University of California-Berkeley theoretical chemist and one of the world's leading authorities in the field of statistical mechanics, has been awarded the Joseph O. Hirschfelder Prize in Theoretical Chemistry.
Chemistry building addition gets underway
The UW–Madison Department of Chemistry will mark an important occasion on Wednesday, Sept. 16, when ground is broken for the construction of a new $38.9 million Chemistry building addition and renovation project.
Public/private partners support chemistry building project
A capital project years in the making will take a major step toward completion Wednesday, Sept. 16, when ground is officially broken for construction of a seven-story addition to UW–Madison's chemistry facilities.
Biotechnology lecture series features national experts
Nationally recognized experts on biotechnology will be featured as part of a UW–Madison Biotechnology Center lecture series on ethical and social issues in biotechnology, ranging from cloning to engineering crops.
Turkey influx won’t hurt grouse
The wild turkey has pulled off a stunning comeback in Wisconsin -- but has the turkey's success come at the expense of local grouse populations?
German thinker focus of international conference
A UW–Madison conference expected to offer new insight into the relationship between language and ideas will draw participants from Portugal, France, Canada, Australia and Russia, as well as Germany and the United States.
Wages decline despite economic strength
Wisconsin's strong economic growth has resulted in better news for working people, but long-term wage decline and significant economic disparities still dominate the state's economy, according to a new UW–Madison study.
Walnut Street entrance to Lot 60 closed
Starting Wednesday, September 16, there will no longer be thru traffic on Walnut Street from Observatory Drive to the university's Lot 60.
Fall visiting artists announced
Visitors bearing artistic and critical insights will participate in a UW–Madison Department of Art lecture series beginning this week.
New findings from Harvard binge-drinking study
The findings of the nationwide 1997 College Alcohol Study, conducted by Henry Wechsler and colleagues at the Harvard School of Public Health, closely match the changes seen at UW–Madison since Wechsler did his first national study in 1993.
Emeritus faculty share expertise
Representing disciplines as varied as genetics, presidential politics, music, mathematics and more, six retired UW–Madison faculty will present the sixth annual "Eloquence and Eminence" lecture series beginning Sunday.
Students offer advice to peers in book overseen by L&S professor
Undergraduate students guided by UW–Madison professor William Cronon have written a book outlining critical, but sometimes subtle, aspects of student life.
Grads: Bonus nice perk, didn’t seal the deal
Money was not the ultimate bottom line in the job choices of some recent UW–Madison engineering graduates.
UW art students honor university’s contributions with exhibit
Two classes of UW–Madison design students have put together the Wisconsin Idea Sesquicentennial Exhibit, a celebration in photos and captions of the university's contributions to the people of Wisconsin and the world.
Study: Sex life doesn’t suffer for dual-earner couples
A new study finds that the daily employment grind for two-income couples actually has little effect on the frequency or quality of their sex life.