Campus news Latest News
Students tie for second in capstone awards
Teams of forestry students from UW–Madison and Iowa State University tied for second place in the third annual Upper Midwest Capstone Report Award Competition.
Issues coordinator named for LGBT student services
Sara Hinkel has been named lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender issues coordinator at UW–Madison.
Physics team studies atomic life at ‘absolute zero’
With a lab full of lasers to corral and chill atoms, physicist Thad Walker is plunging into the frigid domain of "absolute zero." It's not just cold there. It's weird.
Real estate scholar named at business school
Rod Matthews, a senior lecturer at the School of Business, has been named the Wisconsin Real Estate Alumni Association Distinguished Scholar for his innovations in and out of the classroom.
Continuing Studies Division partners with libraries and bookstore
For more than five years Jim McManamy and Ileana Rodriguez have gone to the library every Monday night. They don't go to read, check out a video, or do research on the Internet, but to tell a story of their own: how adults in the Madison area can continue their education.
Law School sponsors community service day Aug. 31
The Law School is sponsoring its first community service day for first-year law students Tuesday, Aug. 31. Approximately 300 students will fan out in groups of 25 to 12 locations in Dane County to paint, clean, prepare food, rehab wheelchairs and sort clothing, among other volunteer activities.
Instructional technology grants available
A new grant called Web Works is available to UW–Madison faculty and instructional staff who wish to incorporate instructional technology more fully into their curriculum.
Accreditation evaluation praises educational successes, urges more funding
The university has substantially enhanced undergraduate education in the past decade, but a lack of state funding is jeopardizing the institution's long-term future, according to an independent review of the university.
Despite rulings, faculty and staff should heed copyrights
Faculty and staff should continue to follow existing standards for using copyrighted and patented information, despite recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings, a UW–Madison attorney says.
Vertical wind shear field over the Atlantic
An example of the vertical wind shear field over the Atlantic including tropical cyclones Floyd and Gert (red icons). Wind shear has…
Image from the Wavetrak product over the Atlantic
An image from the Wavetrak product over the Atlantic, showing a satellite mosaic of infrared imagery and winds tracked from successive images.
A multi-channel satellite image composite of Hurricane Floyd
A multi-channel satellite image composite of Hurricane Floyd.
Nominations sought for dean of students
The search to hire a new dean of students at the university is progressing. The 15-member search and screen committee formed this summer by Chancellor David Ward is accepting applications and nominations for the position until Friday, Oct. 1.
Student computer ownership increases
A survey of UW–Madison students finds a substantial increase in computer ownership, especially among undergraduates.
New program engineers better health
Biomedical engineering, a new department in the College of Engineering beginning this fall, might be the university's most diverse department.
Study details genetic basis of aging — and how it might be delayed
Scientists at UW–Madison have, for the first time, profiled specific genetic changes during the aging of experimental animals, a discovery that could aid work to extend life span and preserve health.
Grant boosts UW child care
The university will use a new $247,200 federal grant to provide campus-based infant and toddler care for low-income student parents.
Recent sightings by Jeff Miller
Flora and flight at the UW Arboretum…
Students move in to residence halls this weekend
About 7,000 students will move into university residence halls beginning this Friday and Saturday, Aug. 27-28.
Arctic adventurer to speak at convocation
Author and Arctic explorer Alvah Simon will speak at this year's Chancellor's Convocation on Wednesday, Sept. 1, at 2 p.m. in the Kohl Center. Hosted by Chancellor David Ward, the event is an official welcome to the university for new students, but all students, faculty, staff and the general public are invited and encouraged to attend. No tickets are required.