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Governor proposes biotechnology initiative

January 27, 2000

In his State of the State message to the Legislature Jan. 26, Gov. Tommy Thompson revealed plans for a $317 million BioStar initiative to build a series of state-of-the-art research centers on campus.

Seeds of growth: Book describes sharp upturn for high-tech firms

January 27, 2000

From compounds for gene therapy to promising new drugs for treating cancer and osteoporosis, the commercial prodigies of the university's research enterprise have altered the state's economic landscape, creating jobs and wealth that rival the contributions of Wisconsin's most important industries.

Planners outline building priorities

January 26, 2000

The Campus Planning Committee has endorsed 10 building projects for 2001-03, including renovation of Chamberlin Hall and construction of a University Health Services building.

Alternative Breaks marks 10 years

January 25, 2000

Alternative Breaks, a community service program that links students with volunteer activities around the country, will celebrate 10 years on campus Thursday, Feb. 3.

Ward outlines next steps on sweatshop issue

January 25, 2000

In its ongoing effort to end the use of sweatshop labor, the university will maintain its provisional affiliation with the Fair Labor Association as it continues to evaluate the FLA and the Worker Rights Consortium.

Pay plan approved

January 25, 2000

State lawmakers today unanimously approved average 5.2% annual pay increases for university faculty and academic staff.

UW ranks in Forbes top 10

January 24, 2000

The university's School of Business ranked ninth in a national survey of business schools that provide the best bang for your buck.

Women’s studies to mark quarter-century

January 24, 2000

Four courses emphasizing the relationship of women to society inaugurated the Women's Studies program 25 years ago. This semester, the program offers students more than 25 choices, reflecting the vibrancy of the program.

‘Dance for the Camera’ attracts genre’s best

January 21, 2000

Influential dance film and video makers, curators and theorists will gather to share their expertise in a public forum, 'Dance for the Camera,' Feb. 9-13.

More space sorely needed for Elvehjem

January 19, 2000

In a dark back room in the nether regions of the Elvehjem Museum of Art, a painting waits patiently for its chance to be seen by the public. The painting isn't alone in its obscurity; Elvehjem director Russell Panczenko says approximately 95 percent of the permanent collection is in exile right now.

Survey: Outreach is major part of faculty life

January 19, 2000

A high percentage of university faculty participate in outreach activities and believe their efforts improve their teaching and research, according to a recently released survey.

Language classes offered for business professionals

January 18, 2000

A continuing set of introductory-level language and culture courses designed to help business professionals communicate with their international counterparts will be held on the UW–Madison campus Jan. 24-March 22.


January 18, 2000

(Advances gives a glimpse of the many significant research projects at the university. Tell us about your discoveries by e-mailing:…


January 18, 2000

(Almanac lists facts, figures and miscellany of campus interest. Know something, or want to know? Call us: 262-3846, or e-mail:…

Elvehjem exhibit examines wide range of YorÂbá beadwork

January 18, 2000

The Elvehjem Museum of Art's new exhibition, "Beads, Body and Soul: Art and Light in the YorÂbá Universe," demonstrates why the YorÂbá have become renowned throughout the world as bead artists.

Calendar briefs

January 18, 2000

Cellist’s concert sold out A genuine classical superstar, cellist Yo-Yo Ma is at the top of his profession. On Thursday, Jan.

UW Arts Institute to expand Wisconsin Film Festival offerings

January 18, 2000

The Arts Institute will present the second annual Wisconsin Film Festival, March 30-April 2. This year, the festival will expand to include the Orpheum Theatre and Madison Art Center downtown. Festival programming will focus on independent film and Wisconsin filmmakers as well as showcase world cinema and experimental film.

For the Record

January 18, 2000

Policies and procedures University Lectures Committee The University Lectures Committee solicits applications from departments, academic programs and registered student organizations for…

Events Bulletin

January 18, 2000

Learning Music Classes More than a dozen continuing education music classes are offered this semester. Class topics, starting dates:…

Staff secretary has lifelong ties to the university

January 18, 2000

Colleen McCabe has come home again, to UW–Madison, and she now occupies one of the top leadership positions among the largest contingent of university employees.