Campus news Latest News
Program on reducing stroke risk offered
People who want to know their risk for stroke - and effective ways to reduce it - are invited to 'Stamp Out Stroke!', a free program Saturday, May 13, from 9 a.m. to noon at the UW Health-GHC East Clinic in Madison.
American Indian program instills new perspectives
The half-dozen courses offered this spring through the American Indian Studies Program are helping to foster an educational climate reflective of native values.
Program introduces kids to higher education
Students from Madison middle and elementary schools are making their first visits to campus this month as part of a program run by UW–Madison students.
Pediatrics professor receives Shaw award
Anna Huttenlocher, a university scientist who is breaking new ground in understanding cancer, has been selected for the Milwaukee Foundation's 2000 Shaw Scientist Award.
Ward to speak on Madison Initiative
Chancellor David Ward will speak about 'The Madison Initiative: Sustaining Success' at the Roundtable luncheon for faculty and staff Tuesday, May 2.
Best-selling author Gladwell to talk
Malcolm Gladwell, staff writer for The New Yorker, will visit campus Wednesday, April 19, to deliver a lecture titled 'The Tipping Point: How Little Things can Make a Big Difference.'
Faculty shows range of modern dance
Inspired by several 20th century modern dance pioneers, the UW Dance Program presents its spring faculty concert, 'Retro/Perspective,' featuring New York guest artist Janis Brenner.
Observatory Drive traffic to be limited
Observatory Drive will be limited to one-way westbound traffic for parts of the day April 14 and 15 to accommodate the annual Wisconsin High School Forensic Association State Speech Festival.
UW to bestow journalism awards April 28
Fourth-estate achievement, leadership and innovation will be honored Friday, April 28, at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication annual awards banquet.
Historian Zinn plans campus lecture
Howard Zinn, professor, author and historian, will speak at the Memorial Union Theater on 'The Uses of History,' Tuesday, April 18 at 7:30 p.m.
Lecture examines Declaration of Independence
Does the Declaration of Independence have a history? That's a question historians are asking more frequently, particularly Pauline Maier, a former UW–Madison professor now at MIT, who will address the question in a Friends of the UW–Madison Libraries lecture at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 18.
Hinshaw makes case for research, student aid
Making the case for university-based research, the federal granting agencies that support it, and student aid, Graduate School Dean Virginia Hinshaw testified before a subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee April 4.
Pell Grant boost passes Senate
A $400 increase in individual Pell Grant awards, intended to raise the maximum individual grant to $3,700, cleared the Senate last week.
UW physicist receives presidential citation
A new member of the physics faculty is the recipient of the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on young scientists.
Loftus to discuss U.S.-Europe relations
Tom Loftus, special advisor to the director-general of the World Health Organization, will visit campus April 17-18.
Noted cancer genetics researcher to speak
Sir Walter Bodmer, an internationally recognized researcher in cancer genetics and the genetics of human populations, will be featured speaker at the James F. Crow lecture Tuesday, April 18.
Emotion symposium set for April 13-14
Seven of the world's leading emotion researchers will convene in Madison April 13-14.
Space Place leaders honored
The Madison Astronomical Society has named James Lattis and Kay Kriewald of UW–Madison's Space Place as recipients of its Astronomy Education and Outreach Award for the year 2000.
Grant boosts study of human security issues
A recent grant renewal will help the Global Studies Program continue its inquiry into human security issues.
Dean of students finalists schedule visits
The third of four finalists for the dean of students position will visit with students and others on campus this week, UW–Madison officials say.