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Faculty and academic staff granted emeritus/emerita status in 2000-01
Here is a list of faculty and academic staff who have been granted emeritus/emerita status for 2000-01, listed by name, title, division or department, and years of service.
Events Bulletin
Learning Humanities Grant Workshop Max Harris, director of the Wisconsin Humanities Council, will conduct a humanities funding workshop from 3-4:45 p.m.
For the Record
Policies and Procedures Employee Information Changes To change individual detailed office, e-mail and home address information, employees are reminded to submit…
Milestones covers awards, honors and major publications by faculty and staff. Send your items to Wisconsin Week, 19 Bascom Hall, or e-mail:…
(Every week faculty and staff from across campus are featured or cited in newspapers, magazines, broadcasts and other media from around the…
News in Brief
COMMUNITY Human subjects research passes federal scrutiny After slamming the lid on human subjects research at eight other universities for…
Recent Sightings
All aboard A Wisconsin & Southern Railroad train idles on the rails next to Engineering Mall. The railway operated the…
Tom Sharkey: Responsibility and loyalty to the university
As a top-flight scientist, botany professor Tom Sharkey knows how to conduct precise and detailed research. But he's also skilled at looking at the big picture, which will serve him well as the new chair of the University Committee, the top faculty governance position. He began his role June 1, taking over for physics professor Bernice Durand.
Photo essay: E-mail from the deep
Bobbing over the 100-foot depths of northern Wisconsin’s Trout Lake, a technology-stocked buoy is helping scientists track the vital signs of major ecological…
While you were away
Summer 2000 review.
Wisconsin Week streamlines delivery
For most of Wisconsin Week's history, you've seen your name printed on the front page of every issue. No more. We spent our summer devising a more streamlined method of delivering Wisconsin Week to all campus employees. Based on requests from colleagues in mailrooms around campus, we have eliminated individual addressing on each copy of Wisconsin Week.
Wilt Sanders: Raising the profile of academic staff campuswide
In July, Wilt Sanders, a senior scientist in the Physics Department and the Space Science and Engineering Center, took over as chair of the Academic Staff Executive Committee, considered the top staff position at the university. He replaces Barry Robinson of the Theatre and Drama Department.
Administrator revises rules for diversity programs
In a new book, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Robert A. Ibarra says differences in thinking strategies that members of various ethnic groups typically employ may be fueling achievement-score disparities between minority and majority students on all educational levels.
Law school schedules public service day
The Law School will hold its second annual public service day Thursday, Aug. 31.
Students move in Aug. 29-30
About 7,000 students will move into university residence halls Aug. 29-30.
Award to enhance graduate education
A $1.275 million Spencer Foundation award will enhance education research and graduate programs at the School of Education.
Regents endorse Madison Initiative
The UW System Board of Regents has strongly endorsed the second phase of the Madison Initiative, calling it a cornerstone of the 2001-03 UW System budget request.
Scientist puts cancer under fierce new light
Gelsomina De Stasio speaks English and Italian with equal fluency. But when she speaks of a "multi-lingual approach" to curing cancer, it has little to do with either language. De Stasio, a physics professor and one of the university's new strategic hires, talks about multilingual science: a hybrid of physics, chemistry, biology and oncology that is guiding her to new approaches to fighting lethal cancers.
UW gets competitive boost from strategic hiring
Amid intense national competition for tenured faculty, the university's two-year-old strategic hiring program is proving to be an attractive drawing card.
Campus gears up to welcome students
A special evening with an acclaimed novelist, a campus arts sampler, study skills workshops and late-night sports are among the activities the university has in store to welcome students new and returning to campus in fall 2000.