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John D. Wiley to lead UW–Madison

November 10, 2000

John D. Wiley, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, was today, Nov. 10, named chancellor of the university.

Wiley gratified, humbled to lead UW–Madison

November 10, 2000

John Wiley says he is gratified and humbled to be chosen as the next chancellor of the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

‘A Raisin in the Sun’ opens Nov. 10

November 9, 2000

A celebration of black theater and drama is planned Nov. 10-12 at University Theatre, built around 'A Raisin in the Sun,' a 1959 play written by Lorraine Hansberry.

Booming e-business sinks Madison roots

November 9, 2000

A university computer scientist, whose software ideas are powering hot Web sites like Ask Jeeves!, hopes to find fertile ground for high-technology employees in Madison.

China expert offers insights

November 9, 2000

Journalist Jaime FlorCruz will speak on "Covering China: From the Cultural Revolution to the Internet Age," at Great Hall, Memorial Union, Monday, Nov. 13, at 4 p.m.

Center builds food network

November 9, 2000

The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems has taken the lead in building a national network of centers and programs working to foster more sustainable food and farming systems.

Investing in ‘New Economy’ explored

November 9, 2000

Experts from five major investment firms will offer advice and ideas on investing in the new economy at an investment symposium on campus Friday, Nov 10. The free symposium runs 2-5 p.m. at the Fluno Center, 601 University Ave.

New course focuses on biotechnology ethics

November 9, 2000

A new course, to be taught for the first time next spring, promises an in-depth examination of the issues and controversies that surround modern biotechnology.

Regents may name new chancellor this week

November 8, 2000

The UW System Board of Regents is expected to name a chancellor for UW–Madison as soon as this Friday.

Professor’s passion helps protect endangered primates

November 7, 2000

In 1982, while still a Harvard graduate student, professor of biological anthropology Karen Strier began a fieldwork stint in one place that has stretched to the present day. 'The 18 years I've been studying these monkeys is longer than some of my students have been alive,' she says.


November 7, 2000

(Advances gives a glimpse of the many significant research projects at the university. Tell us about your discoveries by e-mailing:…


November 7, 2000

(Almanac lists facts, figures and miscellany of campus interest. Know something, or want to know? Call us: 262-3846, or e-mail:…

Business school celebrates centennial

November 7, 2000

One hundred years after its start, the School of Business has more than 2,000 undergraduate and graduate students and 30,000 alumni living and working around the world.

Calendar highlights

November 7, 2000

Brentano quartet to perform The Brentano String Quartet will make its debut at the Wisconsin Union Theater Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. Since…


November 7, 2000

(Elsewhere summarizes developments on other UW System campuses and in the system administration. For more system news, visit:…

Events Bulletin

November 7, 2000

Learning Studio glass retrospective The Art Department and the Elvehjem Museum will host a three-day symposium to draw attention to the…

For the record

November 7, 2000

Policies and procedures New Immigration Legislation President Clinton signed an immigration law in October 2000 that benefits the academic community. The…

Grad school staff help protect campus natural areas

November 7, 2000

Graduate School staff members have recently shown their green thumbs. With expert advice and guidance, this group of volunteers is putting into action a plan to restore Muir Woods, the tract of flora that stretches along the Lakeshore Path from Helen C. White Hall to the Natatorium.


November 7, 2000

Milestones covers awards, honors and major publications by faculty and staff. Send your items to Wisconsin Week, 19 Bascom Hall, or e-mail:…

News In Brief

November 7, 2000

MILESTONES Four named AAAS fellows Four faculty members have been named fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of…