Campus news Latest News
UW-Madison, PanVera ties run deep
PanVera Corporation, a University Research Park company that turns genetic information into tools for drug discovery, is a textbook example of how university-industry partnerships can be vital to a company's success.
Computer scientist wins top professional award
Olvi Mangasarian, professor of computer sciences, received the prestigious 2000 Lanchester Prize for his influential work on computer pattern recognition and data mining.
Colleges collaborate on stray voltage research
A new research project may determine if and how lower-level stray voltage affects livestock.
Environmental institute awarded $245,000 for fellowships
The Institute for Environmental Studies will receive $245,000 from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation over the next four years to support graduate students planning careers in conservation.
Election, shmelection — can’t we do it better?
A report posted today, Nov. 16, on The Why Files, a popular and critically acclaimed Web site at UW–Madison that explores the science behind the news, outlines alternative voting systems that could be fairer or more accurate than plurality voting.
Forum examines online market research
UW-Madison is sponsoring a forum to highlight the latest developments in online market research Nov. 16-17 at the Hotel Inter-Continental in Chicago.
Scholarship honors memory of Capital Times staffers
A gift from the estate of Ethel M. Parker will establish a scholarship fund to benefit UW–Madison journalism students.
Discovery of ‘immortal skin’ holds medical promise
From a routine study of the life span of human skin cells, a university research project gave rise to an astonishing accident: A line of skin cells that simply wouldn't die.
General Motors drives efforts to diversify engineering
A $550,000 grant from General Motors will steer diversification and other key areas of the College of Engineering over the next five years.
Finalists named for human ecology dean
Two national experts in the field of family studies have been named the finalists for dean of the School of Human Ecology.
Groups offer new design for scholarship
Scholars have discussed their work informally, within and across disciplines, since Plato was a pup. However, a new innovation for university researchers creates a cohesive framework that helps faculty and students more effectively work across disciplines and departments.
Parallel Press releases ‘What Grandmother Says’
Poet J.D. Whitney becomes the latest Parallel Press chapbook author with the release of "What Grandmother Says."
La Bottine Souriante to perform at Union Theater
Quebec's most successful roots ensemble, La Bottine Souriante, takes the stage Saturday, Nov. 18, at 8 p.m. at the Wisconsin Union Theater.
Artist to give lecture on use of illustration
British picture book artist Anthony Browne will speak about "Using Pictures: Let the Pictures Tell the Story." Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 5:30 p.m., L-160 of the Elvehjem Art Museum.
Cafe to close for a year
Lakefront Cafe in Memorial Union, built in 1957 to maximize the view of Lake Mendota, will close for remodeling starting Saturday, Dec. 16, and is expected to reopen in January 2002.
Madison Rotary honors professor
His commitment to building and strengthening positive interpersonal relationships has won Richard Davis the 19th annual Manfred E. Swarsensky Humanitarian Service Award from the Madison Rotary Club.
Feingold, Wigand, Utami cancel visits
Several speakers have canceled plans to visit the university next week.
John D. Wiley to lead UW–Madison
John D. Wiley, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, was today, Nov. 10, named chancellor of the university.