Campus news Latest News
Recent sightings
Man’s obstinate friend Former student Chris Kaisershot tries to coax his chocolate Lab, Nestle, to give up a soggy tennis…
Parallel Press releases ‘How Dumb the Stars’
Francine Conley, who earned her Ph.D. in French literature and theater at UW–Madison, is the author of the 12th chapbook from the Parallel Press, "How Dumb the Stars."
Three receive Guggenheim fellowships
Three professors have received 2001 Guggenheim Fellowship Awards, which recognize artists, scholars and scientists who show exemplary past achievement and future promise.
Albanian visitors to learn about land practices
An Albanian delegation of land market specialists will visit the Land Tenure Center April 15-22 to learn about Wisconsin's practices in property registration, real estate, and development.
WAA day on campus turns 40
Day on Campus turns 40 Friday, May 11, and the Wisconsin Alumni Association is marking the continuing education program's anniversary with a renewed emphasis on the history and future of the university.
Russian Folk Orchestra to perform
A concert of Russian and East European folk music will be presented by the university Russian Folk Orchestra at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 4.
Charter street traffic flow altered
Beginning Tuesday, April 17, the center of Charter Street will be closed on the Brogden Psychology Building block as crews extend campus chilled water pipes to the psychology building.
‘Virtual environments’ expert to give May 3 lecture
An internationally renowned expert on computer graphics and virtual environments will lecture on three-dimensional tele-immersive environments Thursday, May 3.
Leading scholar on Thai media to speak
Professor Ubonrat Siriyuvasak, chair of the Department of Mass Communication at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand will discuss democratization of the broadcast media in Thailand Friday, April 27, at noon in 206 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Drive.
Hip hop conference features top artists
Hip Hop Generation's second annual 'Hip Hop As A Movement' conference, April 20-22, at the university focuses on youth activism, the global influence of hip hop and the role of youth and elders in the social justice movement.
UW center to assist in West Africa
The university's Land Tenure Center will assist the Sahelian countries of Africa in their sustainable development and natural resource management efforts.
UW-Madison, Adler Planetarium host star-studded event
Some bright stars in the university's research galaxy will join Chicago's Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum Tuesday, April 24, for a show on the frontiers of discovery, from Earth's origins to life on Mars.
Project tells stories of sexual assault survivors
As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Week on campus, University Health Service will sponsor the Silent Witness Project, an exhibit that features real-life stories of UW–Madison student sexual assault survivors.
Lecture on historic preservation April 19
Two champions of historic preservation will discuss their partnership in the 2001 Ruth Ketterer Harris Memorial Lecture.
Eagleburger forum to focus on global equality
Leading political figures from Latin America are scheduled to discuss the relationship between the U.S. and Third World countries on globalization and global equality at a free public forum Thursday, May 3.
UW team to build next-generation ‘quantum’ computer
A working quantum computer could be so powerful that it would solve in seconds certain problems that would take the fastest existing supercomputer millions of years to complete. Seeking this 'Holy Grail' of computing power, an interdisciplinary team of engineering and physics researchers at the university plans to use silicon germanium quantum dots to build the foundation for a new generation of computers.
Wisconsin native is guest artist in dance concert
The Spring Faculty Dance Concert features Wisconsin native Barbara Grubel April 19-21 at 8 p.m. in Lathrop Hall, 1050 University Ave.
Conference explores care for the dying
Hundreds of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers and other caregivers, including several UW–Madison experts, will take a critical look at how people die in America at a conference April 23-24 at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center.
‘Tiananmen Papers’ editor to speak
China expert Perry Link, co-editor of the controversial book on China's 1989 Tiananmen Square incident will give a free public lecture titled "Editing 'The Tiananmen Papers'", April 27.
Lecture on American gay history set
George Chauncey will deliver the first Mosse Lecture in Gay and Lesbian History at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in Madison Monday, April 23, at 4:30 p.m.