Campus news Latest News
Hinshaw named provost at UC Davis
Virginia S. Hinshaw, the Graduate School dean and the leader of its half-a-billion-dollar program of research, has been named provost and executive vice chancellor of the University of California, Davis. She assumes her new position July 1, pending approval by the UC Board of Regents.
Cadwallader named interim dean of grad school
Martin Cadwallader, an 11-year veteran of the Graduate School, has been named the school's interim dean and vice chancellor for research while the search for a successor is under way, Chancellor John Wiley announced today.
HIV testing offered May 4
University Health Services is conducting HIV testing noon-3 p.m. Friday, May 4, in the On Wisconsin room of the Red Gym, 716 Langdon St.
Students present festival of interarts and technology
The annual Festival of Interarts and Technology will showcase a wide range of visual and performing works by emerging student artists at the University of Wisconsin–Madison on Saturday, May 5, 6-10 p.m. in Lathrop Hall, 1050 University Ave.
100 faculty added under hiring program
Ten new interdisciplinary proposals have been selected for the latest round of the university's strategic hiring program, which is helping chart new territory in teaching and research.
Three faculty named arts and sciences fellows
Joining the ranks of filmmaker Woody Allen and photographer Richard Avedon as American Academy of Arts and Sciences fellows for 2001 are three UW–Madison faculty members.
Faculty collaborations to yield new courses
New collaborative classes dealing with comparative languages, Latino politics and history, international studies and emerging relationships between the biological sciences and new technology have received the 2001 Chancellor's Grants for Collaboration in Teaching.
National academy elects three from UW–Madison
Three faculty - Larry L. Bumpass, Stephen R. Carpenter and F. Fleming Crim - were elected this morning, May 1, to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS).
(Advances gives a glimpse of the many significant research projects at the university. Tell us about your discoveries by e-mailing:…
(Almanac lists facts, figures and miscellany of campus interest. Know something, or want to know? Call us: 262-3846, or e-mail:…
Arts Institute recognizes excellence across arts disciplines
The UW Arts Institute has selected recipients of several major annual awards. All awards were presented by the Arts Institute, a unit of the College of Letters and Science, the School of Education and the School of Human Ecology.
Book Store awards announced
A grant from the University Book Store allows for 20 Academic Excellence Awards of $1,000 each to undergraduate students who best demonstrated excellence by completing a project through independent study.
Calendar highlights
Character-education expert to speak to education alumni “Why Morals Are Back: The Return of Character Education” will be the topic of the School…
Capitol Capsules
Capitol capsules provides a quick overview of state government activities of interest to UW–Madison employees. Budget shortfall worsens The state budget…
Education honors alums
The School of Education will honor seven of its outstanding alumni.
Events bulletin
Learning Shipping Hazardous Materials: Infectious Substances and Other Biologicals Tuesday, May 15, 1-3 p.m., Union South The…
For the record
Policies and procedures Pesticide Application The Pesticide Use Policy encourages best management practices that maximize effectiveness and safety, and minimize environmental…
Hilldale, Holstrom awards granted
Here is a list of recipients, their faculty advisers, and departments or programs, for the Hilldale Undergraduate Research Awards.
Howard reflects on a long and interesting career
The most "frustratingly tantalizing" part of his job, Roger Howard says, has been to be so close to so many lectures, short courses and musical performances at UW–Madison, and yet not be able to snatch more of them up because of a simple deficiency: no time.
Keck lab ready to begin brain imaging studies
The $10 million W.M. Keck Laboratory for Functional Brain Imaging and Behavior opened this month, promising to give scientists better views of brain function that could reveal more about emotions, learning and mental disorders.