Campus news Latest News
Commuter initiative targets campus
A new county-university commuter initiative is meant to reduce auto emissions and improve air quality in the campus and downtown areas of Madison.
Lectures to explore future of state’s groundwater
Could Wisconsin one day face serious shortages of ground water? A series of free public lectures at the university this fall will consider that possibility.
Newman calls on academic staff to support ASEC agenda
As the new chair of the Academic Staff Executive Committee, Linda Newman, senior student services coordinator in the School of Education, encourages others to get involved, too.
Deli to open in Pharmacy
The new Rennebohm Pharmacy Building near the University Hospital will open a quick-serve deli in time for the academic year.
Series brings popular science shows to the community
The university will bring its most popular on-campus science presentations to the community in several free public events this fall.
Faculty leader focuses on rights
Pat Wolleat became involved in campus governance almost as soon as she was hired at the university.
Surgeon tries new Parkinson’s treatment
A northwestern Illinois woman Thursday became the first Parkinson's disease patient at UW Hospital and Clinics to undergo deep brain stimulation, a procedure in which electrodes are placed deep into the brain and connected to a pacemaker-like device that delivers electrical impulses to disable certain nerve cells.
Web portal will soon open to students
This summer and fall, students are finding a new way to communicate, obtain important academic information, and schedule appointments and events.
My UW–Madison key features
My UW–Madison is a "portal" that allows users to access and customize many online tools and services.
Officials meet with NCAA
University officials appeared before the National Collegiate Athletic Association's Infractions Committee Aug. 11 in Jackson Hole, Wyo. in what could be one of the final steps in an extra-benefits case involving student-athletes.
WARF sues to preserve stem cell access
The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation filed a lawsuit in federal court Monday, Aug. 13, to ensure broad research access to the five stem cell lines developed by researcher James Thomson.
Thomson tops Time list
Stem-cell researcher James Thomson is on the cover of Time magazine this week as one of 18 leaders in science and medicine singled out by the editors as "America's Best."
Stem cell research funding backed
President George Bush will allow federal funding for limited embryonic stem cell research.
Gift boosts pharmacy research
A $1.5 million grant from the Madison-based Oscar Rennebohm Foundation will help the School of Pharmacy test and develop useful new drugs.
Stem cell statement from Chancellor John Wiley
Aug. 9, 2001 TO: Editors, science writers, political reporters FROM: UW–Madison University Communications RE: JOHN WILEY COMMENT ON STEM CELL ANNOUNCEMENT University of Wisconsin–Madison…
Stem cell statement/Thomson
Aug. 9, 2001 TO: Editors, science/medical writers, political reporters FROM: UW–Madison University Communications RE: JAMES THOMSON COMMENT ON STEM CELL ANNOUNCEMENT University of Wisconsin–Madison…
Olson appointed to state Group Insurance Board
Gov. Scott McCallum has appointed UW–Madison staff member Esther Olson to the state Group Insurance Board.
Stem cell statement by Chancellor John Wiley
Aug. 8, 2001 STATEMENT BY UW-MADISON CHANCELLOR JOHN D. WILEY Regarding proposed legislation to be introduced Aug. 9 by Assembly…
Student archaeologists dig into experience
Five UW–Madison students are acquiring valuable experience this summer at an archaeological dig just a short distance from campus.
Campus bus routes will offer free rides in fall
Beginning Monday, Aug. 27, UW–Madison students, employees and visitors will no longer have to purchase a pass or put 50 cents in the fare box to ride campus "L" and "LN" buses.