Campus news Latest News
Expert promotes civic scholarship
An internationally known expert on 'civic scholarship' will urge researchers to collaborate with their communities when he visits the university Monday, Oct. 15.
$4 million gift will support 16 music fellowships
A $4 million gift from a UW–Madison alumnus has established an endowment that will fund 16 School of Music graduate fellowships in the College of Letters and Science.
Homecoming theme is ‘Badger Luau’
Colorful paper leis will be the must-have accessory when the university celebrates its 2001 Homecoming, "Badger Luau," later this month. Festivities begin with a campus cleanup Friday, Oct. 19, and end with the Wisconsin-Michigan State game Saturday, Oct. 27.
New study: Changing roles benefit men and women
Contrary to longstanding theories of gender and psychology, women and men can benefit by taking on more than one traditional social role, such as worker or parent, report two researchers in the October issue of American Psychologist.
Generation 2008 plans forum
Generation 2008, a student-organized group dedicated to raising the level of awareness of Plan 2008, will hold a free, daylong forum and workshop Saturday, Oct. 13.
Police remind fans about game day security measures
UW-Madison police remind all football fans that security measures enacted for last week's game remain in effect for this Saturday's contest between the Badgers and the Indiana Hoosiers.
International Institute to hold communitywide forum
The International Institute is sponsoring a forum, 'The U.S. in a Changed World: Where Will We Go After September 11, 2001?,' to address issues raised by the terrorist attacks. It will be Thursday, Oct. 18, 4-6 p.m., 3650 Mosse Humanities Building.
UW-Madison to study charter schools
The La Follette School of Public Affairs at UW–Madison has been awarded a $650,000 federal grant to study how well charters schools are working in Wisconsin.
New center to address diversity in math education
A new five-year, $11.5 million consortium based at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research is beginning work on rebuilding the nation's mathematics education infrastructure.
Panel focuses on Bill of Rights in times of crisis
A panel discussion Saturday, Oct. 13, at the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters' Bill of Rights forum in Milwaukee will focus on civil liberties in a nation at war.
Molecular snippets hold viruses at bay
In a surprising find, scientists have uncovered the antiviral properties of an obscure class of peptides that may someday provide a powerful way to curb the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
New method softens up germs
Scientists with the Food Research Institute have devised a promising way to keep microbes vulnerable to germ-killers using plant-derived compounds called sesquiterpenoids.
UW to develop Internet 2 ‘middleware’
The university has received a grant to facilitate online sharing of knowledge, instruments and other scientific resources, and foster Web-based collaboration.
Nonresident tuition to go up
The UW System Board of Regents is expected to approve increasing non-resident undergraduate tuition an additional 2.5 percent next semester.
Regents to discuss diversity plan
A progress report on Plan 2008, the UW System's 10-year initiative to enhance diversity, will lead into a discussion of campus climate and retention issues at the UW System Board of Regents meeting Oct. 4-5 at UW-Eau Claire.
Theoretical chemist awarded Hirschfelder Prize
Bruce Berne, widely known as the first person to perform computer simulations of molecules, has received the Joseph O. Hirschfelder Prize in Theoretical Chemistry.
WAA seeks distinguished alumni award nominations
The Wisconsin Alumni Association is seeking nominations for its Distinguished Alumni Awards, which honor professional achievement, civic leadership and/or service to UW–Madison.
Women and learning series presents 3 scholars
Women and Learning, a lecture series by three nationally known UW–Madison scholars, begins Wednesday, Oct. 10. The lectures, sponsored by the Friends of the UW–Madison Libraries, sample women's scholarship in literature, science and history.
Forum examines postsecondary education policies
The effect of federal policies on postsecondary education and the factors influencing how students complete their college degrees will be the subject of a forum Oct. 8-9 at UW–Madison.
State approves pay raises
A legislative committee has approved a pay raise for faculty and academic staff that is slightly smaller than what the UW System Board of Regents requested earlier this year.