Just the facts: enrollment news you can use
The Five Ws aren’t just for J-Schoolers. With the spring enrollment period on the horizon, there’s no time like the present to investigate your options.
Scott Owczarek, university registrar, and Wren Singer, director of undergraduate advising, offer several suggestions to help you nail down all the facts you need for a great fall semester.
WHO is eligible to enroll?
You are – unless you’ve got a hold. Check your Student Center to make sure you’re in the clear. If not, make sure to return those library books before your enrollment appointment.
One more time, for good measure: one hold = no enrollment.
WHAT steps do I need to take to sign up for classes?
Three words: search, plan, enroll. Everything you need is available on MyUW.
Search. Use the Course Guide to view course, instructor and textbook information and find your favorite courses. DARS is now integrated into the Course Guide, making it easier to see how planned courses will satisfy degree requirements. You can also run a DARS audit, including planned courses, and view the results in Degree Planner.
Plan. Within the Course Guide, use Schedule Planner to choose courses, block off time for work or practice and figure out the schedule you want. Degree Planner lets you plan for future semesters. When you’re ready to go, just import the schedule into your Student Center Shopping Cart and you’re all set to…
Enroll. When your enrollment appointment arrives, head to your Student Center to finalize your plans.
WHERE do I find an advisor?
Wait – you haven’t been meeting with your advisor every semester? (That’s okay; they’ll still be happy to see you.) Start by checking your Student Center.
Undeclared? Undecided? Make an appointment or stop by the Cross-College Advising Service (CCAS). CCAS has offices in Ingraham Hall, five residence halls (Chadbourne, Dejope, Ogg, Sellery and Witte) and College Library. To schedule an appointment, call 608-264-CCAS (2227) or 608-265-5460.
Looking for some career advice as you think about majors, classes or internships down the road? Check out the Exploration Center in Ingraham Hall, or consult the career services office for your major if you have one declared.
WHEN should I start planning?
How about now? Now is a pretty great time.
The Fall 2013 Schedule of Classes is available, and if you can get an appointment with your advisor before the mad rush starts, everybody wins. Once you’re ready to go, look for your fall enrollment appointment in your Student Center on Monday, April 1.
WHY should I go see an advisor?
Why shouldn’t you? Advisors can help you even if you’re not sure what questions to ask.
No idea what you want to do? No problem. An advisor can help you figure it out.
Know exactly what you want to do? Great! An advisor can help you get there.
Visiting your advisor is a must if you’ve got some extra concerns that might impact your future plans – pre-professional studies, more than one major, time away from campus (studying abroad, military service, personal issues) or anything else that might come into play. When in doubt, check it out.
HOW do I figure all this stuff out in time?
Don’t panic! Everyone has questions – and, thankfully, we’ve got answers.
Academic questions: contact your academic advisor.
Technical questions or online enrollment issues: contact the Office of the Registrar at 608-262-0920 or by email.
For more information, visit the registrar’s website or follow @UWMad_Registrar on Twitter.