Italian films open windows on language, culture
Master Italian film directors will help you hone your language skills and better acquaint you with the culture of Italy, courtesy of the Department of French and Italian’s Cineteca Italiana.
On Tuesday, Feb. 21, Michelangelo Antonioni’s “Deserto Rosso” (“Red Desert,” 1964) analyzes the difficult relationship between the individual and society. A woman seeks to shield herself from depression by pursuing an extramarital relationship. The cast includes Monica Vitti, Carl Chionetti and Richard Harris, and the film will be shown with English subtitles.
The series continues on Tuesday, Feb. 28, with “Dopo mezzanotte” (“After Midnight,” 2004) by D. Ferrario. Turin’s Museum of Cinema becomes a sanctuary for a short-order cook on the lam for dousing her nasty boss with hot oil. .
Both films, free and open to all, begin at 6:20 p.m. in 104 Van Hise. For more information, call 262-7865.