Initiatives to address compensation issues
The University of Wisconsin–Madison is launching compensation programs for faculty and staff to recognize outstanding performance, address market issues with peer institutions, and alleviate inequities, administrators announced today.
“Addressing compensation issues for UW–Madison faculty and staff continues to be one of our institutional commitments, even in these difficult times,” Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Laurent Heller wrote in a memo this morning to deans and directors.
For 2016-17, UW–Madison is implementing three funding initiatives:
- A block grant for faculty and academic staff in nationally competitive markets, in the categories of performance, market, and equity (similar to last year’s initiative);
- A discretionary compensation fund (DCF) for academic and university staff in the categories of performance, market, and equity (similar to last year’s initiative);
- A performance bonus fund for faculty and staff for exceptional performance (new pilot initiative).
Together, these initiatives will provide funds to address compensation in 2016-17. The initiatives will be funded through reallocated internal dollars. Contact your Human Resources representative for more information.