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Hilldale, Holstrom and University Book Store Awards

May 10, 2005

Hilldale Awards

The following students received Hilldale Undergraduate Research Awards, which include a $4,000 stipend to each student and $1,000 to their faculty advisers. The list below includes students, faculty advisers and advisers’ departments.

Sarah Abramovitz, John Curtin, psychology;

Kirsten Austad, Nader Sheibani, ophthalmology and visual sciences;

Kristen Becklund, Robert Goodman, plant pathology;

Matthew Berg, Emily Hall, English;

Justin Bosch, David Baum, botany;

Sarah Brehm, Lyn Turkstra, communicative disorders;

Sarah Brown, Richard Lindroth, entomology;

Christopher Cable, Kyle Stiegert, agricultural and applied economics;

Daniel Chavas, Michael Morgan, atmospheric and oceanic sciences;

Katherine Clements, Barbara Buenger, art history;

Joshua Cutler, Judith Burstyn, chemistry;

Benjamin Dahl, Rudy Koshar, Spanish and Portuguese;

Angela Dahl, Ksenija Bilbija, history;

Maureen Daly, Diane Gooding, psychology;

Elizabeth Drilias, Amir Assadi, mathematics;

Erin Eatough, Seth Pollak, psychology;

Michael Eckblad, Douglas Rosenberg, kinesiology;

Simon Ford, Marc Kleijwegt, history;

Sagan Friant, Charles Snowdon, psychology;

Stephanie Furrer, Grace Boekhoff-Falk, anatomy;

Nathaniel Gaeckle, Kristyn Masters, biomedical engineering;

Jennifer Gaudio, Charles Snowdon, psychology;

Tiffany Gerovac, Daniel Resnick, neurological surgery;

Eric Gifford, Laird Boswell, history;

Jason Gile, Michael Fox, Hebrew and Semitic studies;

Samuel Hall, John Witte, political science;

Daniel Hallau, Laurel Goodwin, geology and geophysics;

Elissa Hobert, Laura Kiessling, chemistry and biochemistry;

Sarah Hoffmann, David Abbott, obstetrics and gynecology;

Lewis Hong, Richard Amasino, biochemistry;

Kun-Tai Hsu, Paul Harari, human oncology;

Jessica Jenness, Seth Pollak, psychology;

Kevin Johnson, Charles Mistretta, biomedical engineering and medical physics;

Vincent Kang, Terence Barry, animal science;

Nathaniel Kingdon, Barbara Buenger, art history;

Robert Kirchdoerfer, Silvia Cavagnero, chemistry;

Brian Kosobucki, Joseph Newman, psychology;

Rachel Kowalski, Anna Huttenlocher, pharmacology;

Kristen Krause, H. Hill Goldsmith, psychology;

Amy Krosch, Colleen Moore, psychology;

Michelle LeGault, Timothy Donohue, bacteriology;

Brett Longlais, Lauren Trepanier, medical sciences;

Siu Ho Mak, Su-Chun Zhang, anatomy and neurology;

Mollie Malaney, Nizar Jarjour, medicine;

Christopher Martin, Douglas Maxwell, plant pathology;

Michael Mateo, David Eide, nutritional sciences;

Nels Mattson, Thomas Sutula, neurology;

Chelsea McColley, Judith Harackiewicz, psychology;

Dejan Micic, Eugene Kaji, medicine;

Brett Moore, Catherine Marler, psychology;

Dana Nadler, Eric Shusta, chemical and biological engineering;

Sarah Nehrling, Joseph Elder, sociology;

Wendy Nguyen, Ronald Kalil, ophthalmology and visual sciences;

Michael Pangborn, Thomas Archdeacon, history;

Ben Paulson, Jeffery Walker, physiology;

Patrick Peebles, Grace Boekhoff-Falk, anatomy;

Stephanie Pesa, Julia Evans, communicative disorders and educational psychology;

Justin Powell, Milo Wiltbank, dairy science;

Kurt Prins, James Ervasti, physiology;

Drupa Ramasesha, F. Fleming Crim Jr., chemistry;

Ann Regnery, Mary Halloran, zoology and anatomy;

Ashley Reinke, Laura Kiessling, biochemistry;

Michal Rischall, Arthur Glenberg, psychology and educational psychology;

Jed Rosenkrantz, Patricia Devine, psychology;

Evelyn Rynkiewicz, Charles Snowdon, psychology;

Saurabh Saluja, Maureen Smith, population health studies;

Yiqi Seow, Timothy Gomez, anatomy and physiology;

Neha Sheth, Scott Straus, political science;

Adrienne Stilp, Eric Wilcots, astronomy;

Peter Thurlow, Jon Wolff, medical genetics and pediatrics;

Joel Wagner, Sean Palecek, chemical and biological engineering;

Adam Walsh, Heather Dubrow, English;

Andrew Wentland, Walter Block, radiology and biomedical engineering;

Elizabeth Wyman, Thomas German, entomology;

Calvin Wysocki, Steven Burke, chemistry;

Melissa Yatzeck, Ronald Raines, biochemistry and chemistry;

Vivian Yeh, John Curtin, psychology.

Holstrom Awards

The following students received Holstom Environmental Research Scholarships, funded by an endowment by alumnus Carleton Holstrom, which provide $4,000 to students and $1,000 to their faculty advisers:

Shaunna Chase, Cynthia Stiles, soil science;

Nick Kotloski, Terence Barry, animal science;

James Krier, Gilbert Nathanson, chemistry;

Jason Rozumalski, Jean Lee, history.

University Book Store Awards

The following undergraduate students, listed with their faculty advisers, received the 2004-05 University Book Store Academic Excellence Awards, which include $1,000 in recognition of completing an outstanding independent project in either research or a creative art:

Katherine Bauman, Lisa Gralnick, art;

Jorien Breur, Nihal Ahmad, dermatology;

M. Claire Brown, Myra Marx Ferree, sociology and women’s studies;

Tina Bunnell, David Abbott, obstetrics and gynecology, and primate center, and Deborah Barnett, primate center;

Peter Cameron, Ronald Kuka, English;

Jillian DeGroot, Jenny Saffran, psychology, and Charles Snowdon, psychology;

Diana Dewi, Diane Sheehan, environment, textiles and design;

Ellen Feingold, Karl Shoemaker, history;

Andrea Kurtz, Ronald Wallace, English;

Sonya Larson, Ronald Wallace, English;

Joseph Lehner, Jonathan Kenoyer, anthropology;

Lindsay Lorenz, Ronald Wallace, English;

Katherine Nelson, Craig Werner, Afro-American studies;

Abigail Peterson, Byron Shafer, political science;

Joseph Schreiber, Eugene Kaji, medicine;

Meredith Schuman, Teresa Balser, soil science, and Clark Miller, La Follette School of Public Affairs;

Anna Skrzypczynska, Cyrena Pondrom, English;

Harrison Skye, Sanford Klein, mechanical engineering, and Gregory Nellis, mechanical engineering;

Samy Yany, Ronald Wallace, English;

Alexander Yuen, Jack Jiang, surgery.