Hilldale and Holstrom Award winners
The following is a list of recipients, and their faculty advisers and departments or programs, for the Hilldale Undergraduate Research Awards. Grants from the Hilldale Foundation and the Wisconsin Legislature provide $3,000 each to undergraduate students and $1,000 to the faculty or staff supervisors to work in collaboration on research projects. The recipients and advisers are:
Heather Bohachek, Julia Evans, Communicative Disorders and Psychology
Amanda Born, James Ervasti, Physiology
Clint Boyd, Dana Geary, Geology and Geophysics
Sarah Brehm, Judith Harackiewicz, Psychology
Jamie Brenner, Janet Hyde, Psychology
Jorien Breur, Nihal Ahmad, Dermatology
Lowell Brower, Magdalena Hauner, African Languages and Literature
Justin Brown, Clifford Thurber, Geology and Geophysics
Melissa Brown, Ksenija Bilbija, Spanish
Sean Bruggink, James Ntambi, Biochemistry
Tina Bunnell, David Abbot, Obstetrics and Gynecology; and Deborah Barnett, National Primate Research Center
Alita Burmeister, Philipp Simon, Horticulture
Molly Bush, Hector DeLuca, Biochemistry
Tsz Yan Clement Chan, Kirk Parkin, Food Science
Chia-Wei (Jenny) Chang, James Keck, Biomolecular Chemistry
Nathaniel Chin, Lauren Trepanier, Veterinary Medical Sciences
Jillian DeGroot, Jenny Saffran, Psychology
Shah-Nawaz Dodwad, Paul Bertics, Biomolecular Chemistry
Bradley Dotson, Sara Patterson, Horticulture
Ashley Eisen, Ruth Litovsky, Communicative Disorders
Tiffany Ekey, Gail Robertson, Physiology
Michael Erhardt, Thomas Archdeacon, History
Carl Falk, Judith Harackiewicz, Psychology
Nicholas Frame, Anna Huttenlocher, Pharmacology
Bernard Fula, Ronald Raines, Biochemistry
Andrew Goodman, Robert Livingston, Psychology
Scott Harrington, Kumar Sridharan, Engineering Physics; and Michael Corradini, Engineering Physics
Benjamin Herman, Tony Michels, History
Elizabeth Hirsch, Janet Hyde, Psychology and Women’s Studies
James Hunter, Donald Downs, Political Science
Shelly Immel, Joseph Dillard, Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Joshua Jackson, Jeremy Biesanz, Psychology
Craig Jacobson, Cary Forest, Physics
Malinda Jorgensen, Todd Welbourne, Music
Emily Kalnicky, Janette Boughman, Zoology
Nicole Krause, Morton Gernsbacher, Psychology
John Kunstman, Paul Ahlquist, Molecular Visology and Oncology
Nicholas Lanz, Gary Roberts, Bacteriology
Matt Leathen, Laura Kiessling, Biochemistry and Chemistry
Micah Long, Richard Davidson, Psychology
Laura Luther, Steven Burke, Chemistry
Christopher Luty, Aseem Ansari, Biochemistry
Kenneth MacKenzie, Hans Adler, German
Kaitlin Martin, Ajit Verma, Human Oncology
Kevin McCool, Michael Fritsch, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Erica McGrath, Grant Petty, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Susanna Moore, Ksenija Bilbija, Spanish and Portuguese
Courtney Murphy, Mary Halloran, Zoology and Anatomy
Meghan Olson, Carol Lee, Zoology
Rachel Patzer, Norlin Benevenga, Nutritional Science; and Frank Greer, Pediatrics
Andrea Radtke, Susan Paskewitz, Entomology
Sudha Rajan, Benjamin Marquez, Political Science
Abigail Rao, Ronald Kalil, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Elizabeth Rollmann, Diane Gooding, Psychology
Simona Rosu, Michael Cox, Biochemistry
Joanna Rueth, Rob Striker, Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Michael Rummel, Matthew Banks, Anesthesiology
Joseph Schreiber, Eugene Kaji, Medicine
Kelly Schultz, Charles Snowdon, Psychology; and Nancy Schultz-Darken, National Primate Research Center
Rachael Schuster, Bruce Wampold, Counseling Psychology
Peter Seebart, Randal Tibbetts, Pharmacology
Steven Sendelbach, Marshall Onellion, Physics
Melisa Shiroda, Yevgenya Grinblat, Zoology
Harrison Skye, Sanford Klein, Mechanical Engineering; and Greg Nellis, Mechanical Engineering
Ashley Smith, Linda Oakley, Nursing
Samuel Stambler, Cary Forest, Physics
Amir Stepak, Jon Pevehouse, Political Science
Amanda Stuckmann, Linda Oakley, Nursing
Elizabeth Theusch, Francisco Pelegri, Genetics
Jonathan Trinastic, Judith Harackiewicz, Psychology
Pornkamol Unrean, John Yin, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Rachel Uttech, Ruth Benca, Psychiatry
Lisa Valenti-Hein, Laird Boswell, History
Elisa Walker, Chuck Kalish, Educational Psychology; and Seth Pollak, Educational Psychology
Kurt Weiss, William Dove, Oncology and Medical Genetics
Samuel Wittekind, Maureen Barr, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Jason Wojcechowskyj, Stacey Schultz-Cherry, Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Daniel Wolf, Elizabeth Craig, Biochemistry
Korey Wylie, Chiara Cirelli, Psychiatry
Jennifer Yang, David Lynn, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Imin Yen, Nancy Mladenoff, Art; and Julia Murray, Art History
Hong Yin, Richard Davidson, Psychology; and Jeffrey Maxwell, Psychology
The following students received Holstrom Environmental Research Scholarships, which provide the same benefits to undergraduate students and their faculty advisers as Hilldale fellowships. Holstrom awards are funded by an endowment established by UW alumnus Carleton Holstrom to foster environmental research. The recipients and advisers are:
Erik Dutilly, Lisa Naughton, Geography
Daniel Gall, Katherine McMahon, Civil and Environmental Engineering
John Kinzfogl, Nancy Keller, Plant Pathology
Kara Raymond, Eileen Cullen, Entomology
Erin Elaine Seyfried, Katherine McMahon, Civil and Environmental Engineering