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Fulbright scholars form Wisconsin chapter

November 12, 1999

A new association for Fulbright scholars formed recently at the university plans to promote international education and strengthen the network of Fulbright scholars, students and teachers on campus.

The Wisconsin Chapter of the Fulbright Association held its inaugural reception Oct. 29 at the Pyle Center on campus. More than 60 Fulbrighters and their guests –representing countries such as Kazakhstan, China, Poland, Columbia, Turkey, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Germany, Indonesia, Nigeria, Ghana, Hungary, Japan, Jordan and the Czech Republic — attended the event, says Mary McEniry, president of the new group and a scholar to Colombia.

The Wisconsin chapter is part of the national Fulbright Association, headquartered in Washington, D.C. The chapter has received a small grant from the United States Information Agency to develop enrichment activities for incoming Fulbright scholars, students and teachers.

The chapter plans activities that bring the Fulbright community together, promote participation and advocacy of the Fulbright program and advance the ideals and importance of internation education, says Robert Skloot, secretary/treasurer of the group and an associate vice chancellor for academic affairs at UW–Madison who has been a scholar to Israel, Austria and Chile.

The Fulbright Scholar Program awards grants to college and university faculty to conduct research, teach or study abroad. The program maintains that the contributions of Fulbright Scholars are key to developing and strengthening international programs at colleges and universities around the world; add a global, multicultural dimension to traditional college curricula; and enhance international understanding.

Established in 1946 under Congressional legislation introduced by former U.S. Sen. J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, the Fulbright Program is the flagship international exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. Individuals are selected on the basis of academic or professional qualifications and potential, plus the ability and willingness to share ideas and experiences with people of diverse cultures.

The chapter is planning several more events in the academic year. For more information about the chapter and its upcoming activities, please contact either McEniry, (608) 266-2769;, or Skloot, (608) 262-5246;