FELIX features local poets
Gabriel Miller
The first fall event in the FELIX series will feature readings by three poets: Bob Harrison, co-editor of the Milwaukee/New York journal “Crayon,” William Allegrezza, editor of the online journal “Moria,” and Steve Timm, an English as a second language instructor.
The reading, sponsored by the Friends of the UW–Madison Libraries, will be held Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 4:30 p.m. in 126 Memorial Library. The talk is the fourth in a larger series titled “FELIX: A Series of New Writing,” sponsored by the Friends of the UW–Madison Libraries.
Named after Felix Pollak (1909—1987), poet and former curator of Special Collections, this developing reading series invites original, young writers in the area to provide a forum for conversation on the evolution of “little magazines” and their role in literary culture.
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