Faculty, staff to receive earnings statements electronically only
This spring, UW–Madison is making a major effort to eliminate paper copy earnings statements for faculty and staff. Instead, the emphasis will now be on the use of electronic copies of the statement for faculty and staff, delivered through the “My UW–Madison” Web portal, http://my.wisc.edu/.
Electronic copies of the earnings statements for UW–Madison employees have already been available through the portal for quite some time; in fact, statements for student hourly workers are already available only online through the portal. Starting with the payroll payable June 1 (the May payroll) for unclassified staff, however, and with the payroll payable on June 8 (the May “B” payroll) for classified staff, Payroll Services will no longer print and distribute paper copies of most employees’ earnings statements. The expectation is that all UW–Madison employees will access their earnings statements online.
Some advantages in having earnings statements available electronically instead of as a hard copy are:
- They are available at least three days before the pay date;
- They are stored electronically for 18 months and can be retrieved at any time;
- They are available wherever (and whenever) you have access to the Internet;
- They are more secure than the paper statement.
Rare exceptions are being made for individuals who have compelling logistical reasons for why an electronic version of the earnings statement would be unworkable.
For questions or comments regarding the electronic earnings statements, please direct them to the Payroll Services Department of the Office of Human Resources at payroll@bussvc.wisc.edu. Further information regarding the “My UW–Madison” portal can be found at http://www.doit.wisc.edu/myuw/.