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Faculty, staff and retiree volunteer fair Mar. 9

March 8, 1999

Volunteering isn’t just for students. While most of them are away on spring break next week, campus faculty and others can check out community service opportunities at the Faculty/Staff/Retiree Volunteer Fair Tuesday, March 9, Tripp Commons in the Memorial Union, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

The fair, sponsored by the Morgridge Center for Public Service, is a chance for faculty, staff or retirees to meet with representatives of more than 50 local volunteer agencies, and to get involved with community service projects that suit their interests and needs.

Because this event is during spring break, parking is recommended in the lot between the Memorial Union and the Red Gym, or in the lot beneath the Helen C. White building. For more information, contact Morgridge Center director Susan Dibbell, 263-4009;