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Employee Matters

March 9, 2004

The Employee Compensation and Benefits Services staff prepares this column.

Wisconsin Retirement System Initial Eligibility (Part 2)
Employees who are not Wisconsin Retirement System eligible “initially” may qualify at a later time.

The two criteria to qualify for WRS are that an employee must be expected to work one-third of full time per year and to be employed for at least one year (365 consecutive days, 366 in leap year). One-third of full time is 440 hours for teaching appointees and 600 hours for classified employees.

How can I become WRS eligible if not initially eligible?
Employees not initially eligible become eligible:

  • immediately, if there is a change in expectations, and the hours and duration criteria are met;
  • upon the one-year anniversary date if the hours and duration criteria are met.
  • Note: If hours and duration are not met at one year, the test continues every month on a rolling-forward basis.

What impact is there if I am a classified limited-term employee and I secure a second LTE appointment?
Assuming the first LTE appointment is eligible for WRS, but does not meet the two required criteria, you would be eligible for WRS upon securing the second LTE appointment, if that appointment meant you then met WRS enrollment criteria.

What impact is there if I have an unclassified teaching appointment and secure a classified LTE appointment?
Assuming your unclassified teaching appointment is WRS eligible, but does not meet the two criteria, you would be eligible if the new LTE position meant you would meet the two criteria. If you work the greatest number of hours in your unclassified position, you must meet the 440-hours test. If you work the greatest number of hours in your LTE position, you must meet the 600-hours test.

What if I have an LTE position that is not WRS eligible and my hours increase?
Whenever there is a change in expectations, either hours worked or duration of appointment, the employer is required to conduct a review to determine WRS eligibility.

What if WRS covered my LTE position at the UW, then the position ends and two months later, I secure another LTE position at the UW?
You would become WRS eligible on the date the second position starts. Any WRS-covered employee who leaves and returns to the same employer with less than a 12-month break in service and who does not take a benefit from their WRS account is automatically covered by WRS, regardless of the hours worked or duration of the appointment.

What if I have an unclassified appointment that meets the WRS test of 440 hours, but it is not expected to last one year and then my appointment is extended?
You would become WRS eligible on the date the position duration was extended, provided the extension met the one-year test.

Send questions regarding your WRS eligibility to