Employee Matters
The staff of the Employee Compensation and Benefits Services office prepares this column.
What are my options for payroll check distribution?
The university encourages all employees to have direct deposit of payroll checks to the financial institution of choice. Direct deposit means no lost or stolen checks, no waiting in line to pick up a payroll check and no special trip to the bank or credit union.
Employees without direct deposit must pick up checks at 49 Peterson Building, Monday-Friday, 7:45-11:45 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m. A valid photo ID is required. Checks not picked up become void after one year.
When is payday?
A schedule of pay dates can be found at http://www.bussvc.wisc.edu/ecbs/emp-info.html. There are separate schedules for classified, unclassified and student hourly.
When is the earliest a check is available?
Checks are not released prior to the pay date printed on the check. Direct deposits are available two hours after the beginning of the business banking day on the pay date.
Am I restricted to certain financial institutions?
Direct deposits can be made to any financial institution throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
How do I make changes to my direct deposit?
Complete a direct-deposit authorization form and submit it to your benefits office. The form can be found at: http://www.bussvc.wisc.edu/ecbs/pay-direct-deposit-auth-uw1032.doc (Microsoft Word format)
What if I close my account?
If you close your account and fail to notify us, receipt of your payroll check is delayed three to four days. The money transmitted to the financial institution must be returned to the university for issuance of a new check.
What happens if my paycheck is lost or stolen?
Contact your payroll and benefits office immediately so that a stop-payment request to the state treasurer can be prepared and a request can be made for a reissued check. This generally takes seven to 10 days.
Can someone else pick up my paycheck?
Yes, if the person picking up the check has a written authorization from you. Along with his or her photo ID, the person picking up the check must present your photo ID. An authorization to pick up your check is valid for one pay date only.
What if I leave employment and move before my last pay date?
Start a new direct deposit or leave your current direct deposit open until the final payroll check is deposited before closing it.
What if I leave and return to work at a later date?
Your direct deposit information stays active for eight months after your last paycheck is deposited. Should you return within eight months, your check will go into the banking account you designated previously. If your direct-deposit information has been inactive for more than eight months, you will have to complete a new direct-deposit authorization form.
Information: Look under payroll at http://www.bussvc.wisc.edu/ecbs/emp-info.html, or call Employee Services, 263-7556 or 262-5650.