Employee Matters
Staff of the Employee Compensation and Benefits Services office prepare this column.
Classified Employees Annual Leave Conversion Option
The Annual Leave Conversion is an opportunity to make a choice on use of unused annual leave. Classified employees can bank annual leave in a sabbatical or termination account, receive cash or both.
Are you eligible?
You are eligible if you satisfy the annual leave allocation requirements or the sick leave balance requirements. Craftworkers are not eligible.
How is the allocation determined?
Allocated annual leave amount is based on position and years of service and is prorated if you are less than full time:
Classified represented and non-represented full-time employees
Years of service
Annual leave
First 5 | 80 hours |
5+ to 10 | 120 hours |
10+ to 15 | 136 hours |
15+ to 20 | 160 hours |
20+ to 25 | 176 hours |
25 and over | 200 hours |
Classified career executives and certain executive salary schedule full-time employees
Years of service
Annual leave
First 5 | 120 hours |
5+ to 10 | 160 hours |
10+ to 15 | 176 hours |
15+ to 20 | 200 hours |
20 and over | 216 hours |
What are you eligible for?
If your allocation is 160 or 176 hours per calendar year (prorated for less than full time): You can use accumulated annual leave, or you can bank up to 40 hours of accumulated annual leave as credit for termination, sabbatical or both.
If your allocation is 200 or 216 hours per calendar year (prorated for less than full time):You can use accumulated annual leave, or bank up to 80 hours of accumulated annual leave as credit for term- ination, sabbatical or both, or bank up to 40 hours of accumulated annual leave as credit for termination, sabbatical or both and receive a cash payment for 40 hours.
Special provision based on accumulated sick leave:
If your allocation is less than 160 hours and your sick leave balance is 520 hours: You can use accumulated annual leave, or bank up to 40 hours of accumulated annual leave as credit for termination, sabbatical or both.
How are you notified?
If eligible for any of the options, you will receive a letter with instructions from your department in late November to early December each calendar year.
When will you receive the cash payment?
Cash payments are paid on the last payroll of the calendar year.
How much time can you bank in a sabbatical/termination account ?
There is no limit on the number of hours you can accumulate.
How will you know when a sabbatical/termination transfer or cash payment is reflected in your annual leave balance?
Adjustments to your annual leave balance will be reflected on the last Earnings Statement for the calendar year.
For more information
Contact your division or department payroll and benefits coordinator.
Annual Leave Conversion Option authorized under:
Department of Employment Relations Administrative Code ER18.02 (5) http://www.legis.state.wi.us/rsb/code/er/er018.pdf
Collective Bargaining Agreements