Educator explores better K-12 schools
An address by Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University professor of education, will highlight the School of Education’s annual celebration of American Education Week. She will speak on “Creating Schools That Work: The Challenge of Educational Excellence and Equity,” on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Music Hall.
Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis; no tickets are required.
A nationally acclaimed educator, Darling-Hammond has been deeply engaged in efforts to redesign K-12 schools. She will discuss policies that are needed to create schools that are centered on learning and learners, that nurture all students and that foster powerful teaching.
American Education Week, Nov. 17-23, is a nationwide celebration of K-12 schools. Other events sponsored by the School of Education include a public lecture by Arthur A. Levine, U.S. editor of the Harry Potter books.
Information: 265-7875; or visit