Donate books to Friends of the UW–Madison Libraries
The Friends of the UW–Madison Libraries report that they are running out of books for their semiannual book sales.
Each sale moves approximately 15,000 books into new owners’ hands, and the Friends sell not only books, but also LP and CD recordings, audiobooks and DVDs. With two sales a year, the Friends organization is constantly collecting and sorting books for these events, and more books and other materials are necessary to keep up the supply.
Proceeds from the Friends book sales fund grants to UW’s libraries for acquisition and conservation of library materials, as well as grants-in-aid to researchers in the humanities who come to Madison to work with Memorial Library’s world-renowned collections.
Books are collected year-round. To donate, call 265-2505 or contact the Friends by email. The Friends can tell you how to deliver books, and how to claim your donation as an income tax deduction, or can even arrange to pick up your books if you cannot deliver them yourself.