Committee named for CIO search
A search-and-screen committee has been created to aid in the identification and selection of a new vice provost for information technology/chief information officer for UW–Madison.
The committee will be chaired by Jake Blanchard, a professor of engineering physics, and includes Bruno Browning, director, L&S Learning Support Services; Bobby Burrow director, Administrative Information Management Services; Mary Czynszak-Lyne, office administration, L&S Honors Program; Dave DeMets, professor of biostatistics and medical informatics; Lori Docken, IT project director, UW System; Katrina Forest, professor of bacteriology; Ken Frazier, director, General Library System; June Ganser, budget manager, Enrollment Management; Jon McKenzie, associate professor of English and digital humanities coordinator; Terry Millar, associate dean, Graduate School; Greg Moses, professor of engineering physics; Cathy O’Bryan, director, DoIT User Services; Erik Paulson, research assistant and Associated Students of Madison; Gary Sandefur, dean, College of Letters and Science; Brenda Spychalla, assistant director of IT Services, MERIT; and John Wiley, interim director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery.
The campus’s former CIO, Ron Kraemer, took a position as vice president and CIO at the University of Notre Dame this summer. Joanne Berg is serving as the interim CIO.