Chancellor opens spring Roundtable series
Chancellor John Wiley will talk about the challenges the university faces with the state budget situation as the spring 2003 University Roundtable series gets under way Wednesday, Feb. 12. The State of Wisconsin faces a projected $2.6 billion budget deficit in the budget cycle that begins July 1. Wiley will discuss how further cuts to the university will affect how the campus operates.
Barbara Emil, director of UW Learning Innovations, will follow on Wednesday, March 12. UWLI provides UW System campuses with support and expertise as they develop online degree and certificate programs. Emil’s presentation is titled, “Learning Online in Wisconsin: Options, Obstacles and Opportunities.”
Jim Leary, professor of folklore and Scandinavian studies, will lighten things up a bit on Wednesday, April 9, with his presentation, “Oh Cheesehead, Where Art Thou?”
Each session begins with a buffet lunch at 11:45 a.m. in Tripp Commons in the Memorial Union and ends around 1 p.m. Cost is $9 per person; reservations must be made one week prior to each luncheon. Attendees may also pay $25 for all three lunches, if reservations are made by Tuesday, Feb. 4. Send reservations to Colleen McCabe, 270 Bascom Hall, and pay with cash or a check made out to “UW Roundtable.” To pay at the door, contact McCabe at 263-2985 or